You promised me my choice

After reaching the suite he had secured, Daniel calmly said to Abigail, "Can you reach inside my jacket, and from the right pocket pull out the room card."

Following Daniel's instructions, Abigail quickly pulled out the room card, and inserted it into the suite door, with the click of the door unlocking being heard. Carefully Daniel turned the door handle and pushed the door open, thumbling as he entered to remove the door key before Abigail grabbed it and inserted it into the light detector before Daniel moved further into the room.

Without words being said, Daniel strowed into the main bedroom, before carefully laying Abigail onto the bed. As soon as he stood up, he picked up the bedside phone and dialling reception. As someone answered, he said "This is Daniel Wu. My wife has fallen and hurt her ankle. Can you send the hotel doctor up to check on her," before hanging up.

"Wife?" Questioned Abigail. "I thought what happened with this marriage was up to me."

Daniel first grabbed a pillow and placed Abigail's injured ankle on it, before sitting down on the beside her and looking her in the eyes and saying "It is, but what was I said that was not factual? You and I are legally married, and you fell and hurt yourself. Do you want people to think there is something wrong about out relationship and call the police making accusations about us?"

"Who would?" snapped Abigail, shocked at his words.

"Abigail, it is possible that people would not believe that you are eighteen and could contact the police making accusations. You know his diagnosis?"

"Incurable cancer. What specific cancer I have no idea on."

Daniel nodded, and said "He has not told me what specific cancer he has either, and I have not pushed him, figuring that when he eventually succumbs to it we will know what cancer he specifically has."

Seeing Abigail nod, Daniel added "Do you think, even knowing that there is no truth in the rumours that there would not be an impact on your grandfather?"

"The truth will win out."

Daniel sighed and said "I agree with you on that, but scandal, even made up will stick, and it will take time for the truth to cut through. I do not what to add unnecessary stress to your grandfather if we can avoid it, do you?"

"No, but…"

"There should be no buts Abigail. Just think of it as stopping rumours before they happen. The only people who know, or even suspect that you are here are your Grandfather, your parents, Sara and Sebastian. Who do you think would say anything?"

Abigail, without thinking snapped out "Sara. My co-called biological parents."

Daniel shook his head, saying "Unlikely. Sebastian does not know the truth about Sara, and I have decided not to enlighten him, until the night before his eighteenth birthday, because ultimately, he can do nothing to marry Sara until then. Your grandfather wants you to be protected, and he would say nothing."

"That leave Sara and my so-called biological parents."

"True," came Daniel's quiet response. "But think about it. What is Sara and your parents worried about? The truth about what happened when the two of you were born coming out. Your parents do not want to be seen as idiots who raised the wrong child for almost eighteen years. You do not know how many times I heard them call her their princess, before you came, and they still see her like that. They have always wanted her to marry well. They tried with me, because of some vague wish of my parents before they died, and I constantly refused them, to the point I repeatedly told them, to their face, I would never marry Sara. Sara has always focused on Sebastian, and that has not changed. Do you think any of them will say a thing before Sebastian and Sara are married? No. There are so many reasons…"

Daniel stopped as the suite doorbell rang, and he said "Just think about what she wants. Sara wants to secure what she sees as her position in society. It is in her interest therefore for the secret to be kept until it is too late."

Abigail, calmly said "There is some logic in that…"

Daniel nodded before saying "If you agree with that, then the only other people that would say anything today would be the hotel staff, and what is wrong with a husband calling for a doctor when his wife is injured."

With that Daniel stood up and walked out of the bedroom, to the suite door, and after checking who was outside opened the door and ushering the Doctor in. As he shut the door Daniel said "Doctor, please follow me. My wife is resting in the bedroom."