
Having heard the venomous tone in Daniel's voice, Sebastian quickly left the suite. That tone sent shudders through him. Daniel had only ever used it once before, and the punishments were significant. Not only had he been grounded for a month, but other than his meal money at school Daniel cut of his access to money for three months. It impacted his reputation at school for over twelve months because of the strain it put on him having fun with his classmates.

While he could not be as extreme this time, Daniel could tell the lawyers to limit his access to the money until the University Entrance Exam results were out, because the terms of the will prevented them accessing the money personally until they had completed High School.

As he shut the door behind him, Sebastian paused, and tried to process what he saw in there. How could Daniel treat that woman as if she was precious. She was not, she was just a piece of trash that Uncle Cole had brought back because he felt he had to. It had hurt Sara so much.

As he took six paces from the door Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks. It hit him that Daniel had on a wedding ring. What in the world was happening? In that moment, he wished he had taken photographs of Daniel and his actions, to be able to show his sister-in-law the first time that he met her. How could she take the fact that her husband was so caring towards another woman. In that moment, the thought came through his mind that it would serve Daniel right if his sister-in-law gave him the cold shoulder, or even left him because of his behaviour.

Sebastian pulled out his mobile phone and messaged Sara through their private group chat [Where are you?]

[Farewelling guests. After what that b*tch did, all the people my parents wanted here are leaving in droves.]

[In other words, all the stuffy adults will be going, and we can really party?]

[Everyone else can, but I want to spend time with you]

[We have all the time in the world for that]

[Sebastian, do you have your mind in a gutter. There is no way that I want to do that, at least not before we are married. Who wants to be called a loose woman.]

[A woman you are. My Woman, and I cannot wait to proclaim to the world that we are committed, legally to each other. I just wish Daniel was not being such an arse, because he could have allowed me to announce our engagement tonight.]

[Screw getting engaged. How about we ditch school on the day of your …]

Sebastian wondered what caused her to pause but walked towards the elevator to return to the function room. As the elevator door close behind him, he read the next message.

[Sorry. Mummy and Daddy saw me messaging you, and there were a couple of important guests to farewell. It has relaxed as President Fu-Gu left fifteen minutes ago, and more importantly that b*tch that hangs around Abigail has also gone.]

[Rebecca. Thank god for that. She would ruin the mood of the party]

[Hurry back, My grandfather has left, and once the last few guests of my parents go, we will be ready for the DJ to start playing the music, and we can really have fun.]

[Sound's great. Have you got our song lined up for the first dance?]

[You think I am an idiot? With what happened, at least we do not have to go through all those formal things. Daddy convinced everyone that with the injury to Abigail and grandfather's wishes that it would be inappropriate for us to carry on the celebrations as we had planned, and after a couple of things, he suggested that the adults migrate to the rooftop bar where they could relax away from all of us. I think that is where everyone is going, but I promised Daddy he would have the first dance. He will then hand me to you for the second dance with our song.]

[I would have loved the first dance.]

[That will happen at your birthday.]

[That is nice to think about. It will make the night special. I just wonder if my brother will introduce me to my sister-in-law before then, or he will wait until that night. The only problem that causes is I will have to dance with her, when all I will want to do is dance with you, my fiancée.]

[What! Daniel is married?]

[I just noticed he had on a wedding ring, as he chased me out of the suite, while he was comforting that b*tch Abigail]

[Did you get photos, so we can tell everyone that she is coming between your brother and his wife?]

[No. It did not click before I left the room. But…]


[Should we post in the school forum? It would serve her right if we did.]

[We need to be careful, because Daniel can impact my access to the money if I p*ss him off too much.]

[I have an idea, After we have our dance, we move to the side to talk and position ourselves near the biggest school gossip, who we can trust will post on the school forum.]

[Good idea. With how Daniel treated me before for her, she deserves it.]