Relationship Wrecker (1)

Abigail opened here eyes, and looked around the darkened room, noticing her phone had been placed on the bedside table, in easy reach. She also noticed that Daniel was in a chair, feet on a ottoman, asleep.

Seeing him, made her blush as she remembered some of the events last night. Daniel picking her up off the floor twice, once when Sebastian was in the room, and the other when she had attempted to walk to the toilet on her own. She felt so embarrassed that she had to have him carry her into the bathroom, sit her on the edge of the bath to allow her to lower her underpants, while he had his back turned before he lifted her onto the toilet, and then when she finished reversing the situation.

The words he said when she apologised for putting him out, made her feel embarrassed even more. He told her as her husband, he had a duty to help her regardless of the challenge. Those words last night gave her a warm feeling, as the way he said it hinted at it being more that an obligation because of their legal connection.

Looking at her phone, Abigail was shocked to see that it was after 8am, and she then noticed that there was an alert from the school forum. That seemed strange, as she had the alert set simply to let her know when she was being talked about in the forum.

Seeing that the alert had not disturbed Daniel, Abigail opened the alert to read the post from School Gossip Girl:

[Gossip from the party. As all of us know, last night was one of the biggest parties of the year, when we celebrated the school belle and senior Sara Meng's eighteenth birthday. How the event was organised, fitted Sara, and it is what we all expect for a celebration for the school belle. Photographs that this lucky guest was able to take during the night are at the bottom of this post, but I have something to say.

[The night was ruined by Abigail Meng. She does not know her place, when Sara's parents have taken her in, and are helping her complete her education, due to the unique circumstances surrounding their births. She should be grateful that she is getting such an opportunity, rather than pushing her way to make things all about her. She guilted Sara's grandfather into giving her gifts that he should never have given to her.

[In my opinion, those gifts should be immediately given to who deserves them, Sara, and she should simply accept that everything that she had been given over the last few months, is more than anyone with her background would ever get and grab the opportunities that come from that. It ashamed me, as a fellow senior that someone could be that money grabbing and act as she did. The school needs to throw her out because people like her taint all of us, and that will impact out futures.

[Those of us who were there saw what that b*tch did to Sara, when Sara moved her leg, out and then back. She deliberately stood on Sara's foot, and when Sara pushed her to get her off her foot, she deliberately stumbled and from what I could see where I was seated threw herself off the stage, and into the arms of Daniel Wu. I pity Daniel, because he had no option on what to do, otherwise it would have embarrassed the whole Meng family, when it is almost certain that the school heartthrob, his brother Sebastian will become engaged to Sara on Sebastian's eighteenth birthday. If that happens, while we will all be upset because it means the end of our dreams, we will be happy for them because that is what they want.

[Daniel caught that b*tch and took her out of the room, and Sara's grandfather in an overreaction dragged the family out. However, what makes me certain in that the b*tch, Abigail should immediately be thrown out of school, is something I heard in passing. Sebastian, was talking with Sara, upset, because that b*tch had done ruining her party, and any of those who heard his words are still even shocked, Abigail, that b*tch is making a move on Sebastian's married brother, and he pitied his sister-in-law, who had been pushed to one side because of that b*tch, who was trying to get everything.

[After I got over the shock of hearing that the most eligible bachelor in town was married, I could not believe what that b*tch did. The School must throw her out otherwise she will ruin all of us by association.]

Abigail scrolled down and read the replies, not surprised to see who the first response was from. Pretty Fairy, whoever that was had to be a friend of School Gossip Girl, replied within two minutes of the post going live.

Pretty Fairy: [Daniel Wu is married! Who is the woman, let me rip her apart as I wanted to marry him.]