Fallout (2)

In shock Daniel looked at Abigail, but before he could say a word, he heard Sara yell out "Tell that b*tch that she can come in through her designated entry, but is she moves from that little room until I am ready to deal with her, she better watch out."

Daniel, as he moved over to re-ring the doorbell, turned to Abigail, and said "There is no way that you are staying here. That is no way for you to be treated and what would your grandfather say if he knew?"

Abigail looked directly at Daniel and said "He knows what is happening, but as I have told him time and time again, I am grateful that he brought me back to at least give me opportunities and for those opportunities if I must put up with this I will. It is not fair to stress him out so much, when I know he is not well."

"Abigail, no. He needs to know. Your two choices are, you call your grandfather and tell him you are coming to stay with him, or you return home with me and take the place that is yours, as my wife…"

Shaking her head, Abigail said "That is not a choice. With what we are hearing in there, Grandfather will be harassed to help Sara, and even I am not that stupid to not know the potential damage that it will cause to his company. And I do not want to decide about…"

Daniel leant down and gently kissed Abigail's lips before straightening up and observing the shocked look on Abigail's face. He internalised not only the shock at his action but the shiver of delight that went through at gently touching her lips, and the thoughts of what could come that were running through his mind. Then there were the conflicting emotions of pleasure, anticipation and even confusion that went through him about the whole situation.

After a few seconds of silence, belaying the turmoil that he was feeling with those various emotions, Daniel quietly but firmly said "I told you, you have two options because there is no way that you are staying here. Leaving aside anything else, your injury will not let you stay so make your choice from the two available options. Either your grandfather's home or home with me. Do not think that staying every night at your Grandmother's bedside is an option."

Abigail snapped "You told my I had choices, and you are giving me none."

Daniel shook his head and said, "I am giving you the choice between the available options, because you will only risk further injury if you stay."

After seeing the anger in Abigail's eyes, Daniel raked his hands through his hair, sighed and added "Hell, if your issue is deciding about announcing our marriage, you can stay in the guest suite at my home. I can make sure that you are safe, but I am not forcing you to decide."

Shaking her head Abigail spat out "Some choice. What will people say if I move in with two men. Are you really thinking? And as I said forget about my grandfather as…"

At that moment there was a smash as a chair came crashing out the window of front lounge, and as she turned Abigail saw Chelsea at the window, who screamed in shock seeing Daniel standing there.

Quickly Chelsea recovered from her shock and calmly said "Hang on a minute Daniel, someone will come and let you in."

Fifteen seconds later Chelsea opened the door, and politely said "Come in Daniel. Sebastian was wondering if you would come because we need your help."

Daniel turned and motioned to Abigail to enter the house, and Chelsea moved to stand in her way saying, "She knows that she should not come in this entrance."

Daniel smiled and said "Are you that petty with someone who is on crutches…"

At that moment Sara came into sight and screamed "B*tch" before running out through the front door and pushing Abigail to the ground and hopping on top of her slapping her screaming out "You are the cause of this."

The only thing, with the pain from hitting the ground from Sara's push going through her, could only move her arms attempting to cover her face which Sara continued to hit, while repeatedly screaming out "You b*tch. You caused this. I will kill you."

Daniel, worried about Abigail yelled out "Sebastian get yourself here."

When Sebastian reached a location he could see Daniel, he said "What?"

"Get here and help me, or there will be consequences."

"Why should I. You refused to allow me to help Sara, and the only person who benefits from what is happening, is that b*tch. She deserves what she gets."

Daniel, angrily spat back "Five seconds or I will do it and honestly, with this behaviour I do not care what happens. Five…Four…Three…Two…One."