Fallout (3)

Daniel, seeing that Sebastian had not moved, took two paces over, and as he reached out said "Two seconds Sara…"

"That b*tch deserves everything…"

"Fine," came the angry response from Daniel, before bending down, picking up Sara, and dumping her into the bushes beside the front steps. Quickly placing the two bags he had previously placed on the front steps into Abigail's arms, he swept her up, and quickly carried her back to his car and placing her gently into the back seat before returning and picking up the crutches that has fallen by the wayside and returned to the car, placing them inside with Abigail before firmly shutting the door, and locking the car.

As he went back to the stunned group, belying his anger, Daniel calmly said "If this is how you allow someone injured to be treated at your home Uncle Adam, Aunt Chelsea, there is little I can say. Where is Abigail's room, and I will collect all her belongings now, and I think it is better that she leaves…"

"How dare you, talk to me like that Daniel Wu."

"Uncle Adam, I heard what I did, before Abigail knocked on the door. I saw how your butler treated her, and then saw what happened to her. Uncle Cole would not stand for this, and honestly, I could not look him in the eye if I did nothing. Now you have two options, show me immediately to her room, and I will remove all her personal items or refuse, and I will call your father and tell him what happened."

Daniel took two paces closer to Adam and whispered to him "And I know he has given you one final warning about behaviour of you and your family in public. If he becomes alerted to any poor behaviour, you risk losing your job. You really want to push me?"


Pulling back Daniel calmly said "What Uncle Adam. I would not dare to do that? You really thing I have not been able to hold my position as CEO of Wu Enterprises and do everything else without following through? You must be joking. I am quite happy to do so, now make your choice. I will give you to the count of Five. One…Two…Three…Four…"

"Fine," snapped Adam.

"Daddy, what are you doing? He put me here…"

Daniel whipped around and saw Sebastian helping Sara out of the bushes and noticed she has some twigs and leaves in her hair before saying "Sara, you were not going to stop, and I let your boyfriend, my brother the opportunity to come help me break up what was happening. He refused. You really think I am not going to act."

Daniel paused and shook his head, before saying "You must be joking."

"But you picked her, over me your brother's girlfriend and soon to be fiancée?"

"So what? Abigail at least has a dignity; you are just acting childishly…"

Daniel then turned and looked at Sebastian before adding "And you have been questioning why I do not want to help? This is exactly why. You seriously need to figure out what you want and let me pass on a message from the rest of the family, who you know hate my guts but agreed with me on this, there will be no help."

As he turned back to Adam, Daniel observed the white faces, before he added "Now show me where her room is, or I will make a call."

Adam slightly dropped his shoulder. He was aware of his father's position, particularly after last night. He had made it clear, any poorer behaviour witnessed by anyone that he became aware of would see money to them restricted, this villa sold, and him possibly lose out in being the heir to Meng Group. None of that was worth considering.

Quietly he said "Fine, I will get one of the staff to show you to her room, but you better not say a thing to my father, and I want your help to clean up this mess?"

"What mess? The mess that you just allowed? That I am doing, by removing Abigail from this place. The material spreading all over the internet? You must be kidding. How it is dealt with is in Sara's hands. She can keep ignoring the realities or minimise the damage to her reputation. If the latter, the one thing I will do is arrange for a lawyer to meet her at the police station to go through the processes. Anything else, forget it…"

"Daniel!" Shouted Sebastian "You can do plenty to help her."

"Brother, that is being generous, given her actions that injured Abigail last night, and what I just saw that likely injured her further."

Daniel paused and said "Sara, you make your choice, and you know what I will do, but do not think due to your relationship to Sebastian I will change your mind. Now Uncle Adam, have me shown to Abigail's room."

As he was being led through the villa, Daniel heard Sara whine "This is so unfair, Mummy. Daddy."