I am an Adult!

As the door was opened to the car, Abigail handed the crutches to the guard who escorted her safely away from the fight, and she sat down.  As the door was shut, she turned and said "Why in the world did you come Daniel?  You know what I have said about being public."

Daniel reached over and quietly touched his finger on her lips before saying "Give me a chance to speak before snapping at me like that Abigail."

As he removed his finger from her lips, Abigail snapped "Whatever!"

Angrily, Daniel responded "Whatever?  Seriously, do you not comprehend your current injuries?  Hands that are recovering from the shock they received when you used them to brace your fall, and a badly sprained ankle that the doctors want you on crutches to protect it for a couple of weeks.  Do you think you are bullet proof and can protect yourself?"

"I can protect myself."