Please help me (1)

As she entered her apartment, Abigail hobbled over and slumped onto a couch, before sending Sam a message saying [I need your help, please.]

[Boss what is the problem?]

[Multiple things.  Did Grandmother tell you about her change in medication?]

[She did, and I can agree with her not telling you, Boss.]

[How dare you.]

[I dare because that was what she wanted, and honestly with everything else boss, I agreed with her.  You need to focus on dealing with your bet with Sara because she needs taking down.]

[Doing that is easy.]

[I know.  Boss.  But can I come and see when I get home, because I have to go into a meeting.]

[ Fine, but we have a lot to talk about.]

[I know boss, but if I do not get to this meeting, we will have issues with production for the new product release.]

[Go.  That design took me so long to perfect.]

[I know.  Talk later.]