A little truth telling? (1)

Daniel was surprised when he arrived at Cole's residence that he was stopped at the door by Cole, whereby he dropped the bags that he had in his hands.

"What have you done to my granddaughter?"

"Uncle Cole, leave it alone.  Whatever it is, is between her and me…"

"That is c*ap.  She is my granddaughter…"

"Stop right there, Uncle Cole.  She might be your granddaughter, but she is an adult.  Her own person who legally is my wife, as much as I am her husband, and may I remind you, it was you that acted to ensure that happened, so stay out of it."

"No!  She is crying…"

"So, of course you jumped to an immediate conclusion that I was responsible for it, rather than figuring out what has happened. Seriously?  Any you are the Chairman of the Meng Group, I really wonder…?"

A quiet voice said "As do I grandfather.  I asked Daniel to meet me here, not for you to interrogate him, but for us to talk."