Abigail sobbed harder, and feeling hopeless Daniel gathered Abigail into his arms and just let her cry, gently rubbing her back and telling her at regular intervals until she pulled back "Everything will be alright."
As Abigail pulled back Daniel quietly said, "Do you feel better and want to talk about everything that is bothering you?"
Abigail's eyes opened wide, and Daniel leant over touching his forehead to Abigail's before quietly saying "Before you ask, I have realised in the last couple of weeks that your eyes can indicate things about you. When you are upset, worried, or like now have many things on your eyes show your concerns. As to what they are I cannot tell."
Slightly pulling back Abigail sighed before saying "What!"
"Abigail, I can tell that things are bothering you. I just want you to talk to me so I can see what I can do to help."
"In any order?" came the hesitant question from Abigail.