Despite the attack, no one was seen.

No zombie, no!!!

These beings are really faster than Mark had said.

I stood up painfully as I groaned lightly.

Then, I realize am no longer with the other team anymore as I was now alone.

I guess the punch flew me far away from them.

I stood up slowly as my legs vibrated, I cocked my gun as I expect another attack.

An unseen kick flew the gun out of my hand as it landed on the grass far away from me.

I was quick to sense an incoming punch and I dodged it as I did a back flip and landed skillfully on my feet.

Then I came face to face with a pale looking being with blood on his body the cloth he wore was torn and his skin has bruises all over it. He snarled at me.

I stood there trying to hide my fear.

He charged at me again, this time I was able to see all his moves as I dodge all the incoming punches but a kick from him sent me flying away but I landed skillfully on my knees.

"Play time's over, let's play real!!" I smirked as I unstrapped my swords from my back holding onto it skillfully.

I charged toward him with my sword aiming at his heart but he dodged it as he swung his bloody hand at me but I was quick to evade the attack as I blocked it with my sword giving him a deep cut in the process but to my greatest surprise, the wound healed up immediately.

Wtf is this!!!

Mark was right, these freaking beings posseses healing ability. And they heal much more faster than he had said.

More faster than I have seen in movies.

He growled as he charged at me and I also charged at him dodging all attacks while somersaulting backward and forward.

I made to to stab him but he kicked the sword off my hand as he swept me off ground and then threw me roughly on the ground.

This being is just too strong!!

Before I could recover from the attack, I felt another kick connected to my jaw thus, making me fly away from where he was.

He superspeed to where I was as he carried me up and threw me away like nothing and I crashed against a tree as I groaned painfully.

I stood up weakly as I spat out blood, my leg wobble and my vision was becoming blur as I couldn't see clearly anymore.

I felt myself being raised up and then the next minute, I crashed on the ground roughly and weakly.

My skills are totally useless with this being.

I felt my eyes closing gradually as I was giving way to darkness but I have to survive no matter what happened, my brother needs me. The whole world depend on me, on us.

I felt the urge to live, the urge to survive to see my brother and every other people well again.

I flung my eyes open as I scanned the whole area and the zombie was just some feets away from me.

I did a Chinese-get up as I landed on my feet weakly.

The being growled as he charged toward me and I dodge his incoming fist as I rolled back and then somersaulted to the front and landed a kick on his bald head.

He let out a loud growl, more like a scream.

He held his head as he staggered backward.

"The head!!" I muttered weakly slowly remembering Mark's speech.

His fierce eyes feasted on me as he growled and then he charged at me furiously.

I stood unfazed as I waited for him to make a move.

One thing I just noticed now is, his speed has decreased after hitting his head. The head is their soft point.

He made to punch me but I dodged it giving him a heavy punch on his face and he staggered backward. I landed another kick on his face, then I flew high in the sky and then landed on his head with my knee and he let out a groan as he fell down weakly.

I quickly released a shot gun from my pocket as I fired two bullets into his skull and then he fell down, dead.

I collapsed to the floor as I felt my vision slowly becoming blurry again.

"Dominick!!" I heard someone called before I finally gave way to the darkness lurking around me.

"He's awake" I heard the familiar femine voice I could never mistake.

"Vera" I called weakly and she stared at me smiling wildly.

I looked away slowly scanning where I was, we are in an abandoned old building and I was lying weakly on a small bamboo bed while the rest of the team could be seen scattered in the room. Some were seated on a wooden chair, some on the floor while the rest was see standing. Mark could be spotted in a corner with his tablet in his hand as he kept tapping on it repeatedly.

This guy never get tired of tapping.

"What happened?" I asked as my I couldn't remember what happened.

"You blacked out after fighting a mutant" Jane replied.

And just like magic, everything came rushing into my head.

The fight with the freaking being came rushing into my head and I felt relieved that I killed him.

The morning came quickly than I expected and we were all up including me.

The sun was already in the sky as the ray produced by the sunlight illuminated the whole area including the building we are occupying.

The building looked creepy as already dried up blood could be seen everywhere and body parts flung around the whole room.

Wait, didn't they notice all these before lodging?

And then the journey in search of the cure started again, this time, I was fully prepared for any kind of attack as I already know how strong and fast they are.