Our journey began as we passed through a forest which was as silent as a graveyard and I was beginning to wonder why we haven't seen anything. I was beginning to wonder why we haven't seen any zombie since we step feet into this forest.
We all walked in pairs except for Mark who walked alone and he was ahead of us.
Jackson and Jane walked together while Juliet and Martins walked together and lastly, me and Vera. Only Mark walked alone as he lead while we followed since he's the captain and he's the one who have the map with him and also he has more experience than us. He was once a soldier before the virus broke out. And he's not just any soldier but a captain of a very brutal, skillful team so even if we don't trust him, we still have to follow him. He was the one in the front, we were all at alert.
He suddenly stopped and we stopped immediately too pointing out guns out while Vera held tight to her knives as we waited for his instructions.
"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.
"Sshh" he signalled to me not to talk and I kept quiet immediately while waiting for orders.
And then he pointed two fingers forward signalling me and Vera to go forward to check what's there.
We heard a sound among the grass.
I looked over to Vera and nodded. She understood immediately and we dashed at the thing hiding among the forest and luckily we caught it.
It was a rabbit.
We heaved a sigh in relief.
Atleast, this is going to serve as a meal for us.
"Let's get going" Mark said. "We are close to the town now".
We kept the dead rabbit in a bag and then we continued our journey.
As we walked into the town, my eyes caught a signboard with "you're all dead" written boldly on it. The word was written with thick blood.
I gulped down nervously feeling scared.
I had a strange feeling that we are been monitored. I had a strange feeling that this place we just enter is not going to be good for us all.
We matched behind Mark who walked to a small building which it's door was widely opened.
"Mark" I called after we've all settled down in the building.
He looked at me.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked and he nodded.
" Sure, let's go outside" he said and stood up and went out first.
I followed immediately and I met him sitting on a bench in front of the building.
"You said you wanted to talk to me, what's it all about?" He asked.
I took a seat beside him.
" I saw something while we are about entering this town and it convinced me that we are been watched as I had already seen something similar in the forest too." I said and he looked at me confusedly.
"What do you mean? What did you saw?" He asked curiously.
" A signboard with words written boldly on it with thick blood" I replied as I recollected what I saw on the signboards and it's all the same words.
"What was written there?" he asked. It was obvious he was curious to know it.
I hesitated for a moment not knowing whether to tell him the truth or just lie to him.
I don't trust him yet even though he's the captain.
"I couldn't remember it, I was too scared to read or understand it" I said even though it was all a lie, even though I remembered what was written on it.
"Ooh. But why did you say we were been monitored?" he inquired.
" The handwriting was the same and both was written with blood and this shows it was written by a person." I replied hoping it's going to answer his questions.
I know I should have told him the truth but I don't know why I had this strange feeling about telling him so I had to lie to him.
"Okay. It might just be a coincidence but I will look into it. And try to remember the words, it may help" he said reassuringly.
He reminded me of my brother.
I looked away as the image of my brother popped out on my head and my eyes became wet instantly.
"Is something wrong?" Mark asked noticing the sudden change in my mood.
"Will I ever get to meet my brother again? Will my brother be okay?" I asked sadly as a line of tear dropped down my face.
"Ofcourse you will. Just be positive" he said as he patted my back.
" Promise me you will make it out alive, promise me nothing will happen to you." he said and I stared at him. His eyes was also on me and our eyes was locked in a hot stare.
"I promised"
I said and he smiled reassuringly.
" You have to stay alive for your brother no matter what it may cost. I promise I won't let anything happen to you" he promised with a smile as he patted my back.
We returned inside after some minutes and most of the team had slept off except Jackson and Vera who were chatting with a smile on their face.
I sat down in a corner as I took the remaining part of the roasted rabbit and ate out of it and accompanied it with a bottle of coca cola.
And then I laid down to sleep.
It was morning already. The sun was already up in the sky and we were all up again as we are about to begin our journey again.
I looked over to Mark and he was sitting on a chair with the map in his hand checking something on it.
"Alright guys. We are still very far from the laboratory so we have to hurry so as to get away from this place quick" Mark said as he stood up.
" And one thing, call for help if needed and don't ever try to play the hero part and..." he hasn't completed his sentences when the roof of the building we are suddenly crashed to the ground and then a zombie flew in landing in our midst.
Before we could do anything, he has already pounced on Jackson.