Bags of flour

It was a fluorescent cool morning the subsequent day. I was walking down the street from my house in a casual pink top, a pink sweater and in a pair of jeans heading towards a grocery store to purchase bags of flour and crates of egg.

My mum had stopped by the kitchen, she checked the food items in the sideboard feeling like eating scrambled eggs and donuts and she realized that the bags of flour were leaked out and very little flour was in the bags.

She furrowed her eyebrows feeling confused and she guessed that John may have tampered with her bags of flour. An image of John hurling tomatoes in the kitchen and throwing items from the sideboard one week ago flashed through her mind and she shook her head and moaned.

I reached the grocery store. When I stepped in, I noticed a variety of food items like wrapped hams, wrapped veggies, packets of Margarine and packets of noodles.

The grocery store was packed with customers yet the room was silent. People were moving around. The store looked quite spacious.

I held a shopping trolley and wheeled it around glancing left and right. I spotted several bags of flours at my right and I noticed that they each had a price tag labelled on it.

I glanced at the price tags it was 20$ per bag. I reminded myself that I have 100$ in my purse and I picked three bags and dropped them in the trolley.

I searched for crates of eggs and purchased two crates for 40$.

I returned to the sales manager's desk and she checked the items in the trolley and confirmed that they were all worth 100$. I slid my hand in my purse, grabbed the full 100$ cash and handed it to her.

She wrapped up the items in a flashy red shopping leather bag and I grabbed the bag, smiled at her and stepped out of the store.

I walked a few metres from the store glancing left and right to spot a cab and I couldn't see a cab or tricycle.

I continued walking up the street holding the bag of items feeling my energy draining out of me. I moaned and encouraged myself to keep on trekking as I could spot at my house few distances afar.

I felt feeble and quite dizzy, I did not want to continue lifting the items and I convinced myself not to give up.

I angrily shouted in my mind, "why should I be the one suffering and getting tired? It's John's fault we are out of flour. Of course he's still a kid and he is not strong enough to lift up anything."

I felt sweats trickling down my forehead in streams. I sighed and dropped the items down gently so the eggs wouldn't get scratched.

After sighing for a few minutes, I lifted the bag of items and I tried to walk feeling quite glad that I was almost close to my house.

A speedy flashy red sports car was driving towards my direction, I walked a few more steps and almost immediately, the car appeared in front of me and I panicked and let go of the bag of items. The car quickly halted.

I fell on the sturdy road and the bags of flour flew out of the shopping bag and busted splashing all over me. The crates of eggs were tossed and broke on the floor.

I screamed in shock.

I huffed out and noticed that I was bathed in flour. The floor dropped on my lashes and poured inside my clothes.

The door of the sports car opened, a tall guy stepped out wearing a pair of black jeans and an expensive red sleeveless shirt. His hair was well-gelled. His lips were as red as rose, his cheeks smooth and his eyes wide like a cat's eyes.

He stormed out of his car, slammed the door, started to me and glared tightly at me.

"Hey miss, will you get up and move out of my way? I've got somewhere to be." He shouted.

How rude, what a jerk! Did he not notice that I am covered in flour and that he nearly run me over? I thought and I furiously sprang to my feet.

"Excuse me, you just nearly run me over and you're not sorry?" I yelled.

"Well, I don't have time for that. By the way, I was driving on the right track, and you...why were you walking in the middle of the road and if your stuffs were so important, you would have stayed on the sidewalk. Or what do you think of yourself? The President's daughter or a Princess that you can freely move around like the road belongs to you."

" were the one on high speed so if you weren't driving so fast, you would have seen me coming and avoided me."

"Well, I don't see any scratches or slight injuries, you rather look like a ghost in the flour. So why should I even apologize? You are perfectly fine."

"I am not perfectly fine!" I barked, "all the items you've wasted are worth a 100$ and I am not going to let it slide."

"It's not my fault that you are clumsy so why thrust all the blame on me? How am I even sure that they are all up to 100$?"

"You are gonna apologize to me and pay me the 100$."

"Not happening. Like I said, I have some where important to go to so you're kinda wasting my time."

"Well it's your fault so you better fix it. Try and be a gentle man Mr...." I hung and he said, "Dylan Sharks."

"Mr Dylan Sharks!" I shouted, "you better take care of this mess."

"You are kinda rude so I do not like rude girls."

"You make me act that way since it's so hard for you to apologize."

His phone rang loudly and he pulled it off his pocket. He glanced at the screen and noticed that it's his dad calling him up and he picked up the call, "hello dad."

I heard an angry voice shouting in the background.

"Alright dad, I'll be there right away." He quickly hung up and he ran to his car.

"Hey jerk where're you going?" I shouted.

He entered into his car and drove past me.

"Hey, jerk! You jerk!" I screamed out my lungs staring at his car speeding off.

He glanced at me through the windscreen and he chuckled loudly.