My magazine!

I reached my house in a fit of rage and I noticed some stares at me as I was walking home. I am sure that they must be wondering what happened to me and assumed that I am unkept but hey! Who cares? I just wanted to go to my house and try to relax.

My mum and John were seated in the living room watching the TV. They were watching Sponge Bob Square Pants and John was so amused by the cartoon until I stormed in and slammed the door.

They turned to look at me and they were shocked by how I looked.

Juliet sprang up to her feet and frowned, "what happened to your hair and to your face? You look a mess dear."

"I know." I said weakly feeling bad for myself.

"You look like flour pooped all over you. I wanna cry, it's too bad." Said John.

"Thanks for the concern."

"I don't mean you. I mean your hair. It's the only good-looking thing about you and it's ruined. How awful!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "stop it."

Juliet felt reminded of the baking flour and she jolted, "where's the flour I sent you to buy? And the eggs?"

"A reckless turd made me throw them away, he almost hit me and he couldn't even say sorry."

Juliet slightly panicked and she advanced towards me, "oh sorry baby are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere? Any slight injuries?" She glanced at me and touched my arms.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. Why couldn't he just say sorry?"

"It's a good thing that you are okay."

"What's hard in saying sorry?"

Juliet picked up her handkerchief seated on the cushion of the couch and was dusting the flour off my face.

"Baby sometimes things don't go our way and you just have to accept it and move on."

"No I won't!" I shouted, "those items cost quite a lot, the flour spilled over me and he couldn't even say sorry!"

"Love, you are starting to keep malice with a stranger. Just let it be cause it's no point getting mad if you two won't meet again or do not know each other."

I walked past my mum and I clenched my fists, "don't worry mum. Destiny is going to make us meet again and when we do, I will make him pay."

John picked up his ball rolling on the floor and stood in front of me, "before you start planning revenge, you might wanna go have a bath cause I'm starting to miss your cute hair, " he smiled wildly, "it reminds me of the cute girl on your magazine. She's an angel dropped from the sky and I wanna marry her when I grow up."

"She's 32 years old and you are just six."

"I don't care how long it will take for us to be together I will wait even if takes forever."

"You're ridicu....., " I paused and slightly confused I asked, "what do you mean you saw a cute girl on my magazine?"

I gasped, "did you take my magazine."

"Yup! The pretty girl on the cover was too cute I couldn't resist."

I boiled in fury, "where is my magazine?"

"It's mine now. If you want it back, I'm gonna return it to you except my saliva dropped on it as I was drooling over my Amazona but if you still want it, I can...."

I shouted, "just stop!" I turned to Juliet, "mum I swear I'm gonna kill him."

Noticing the anger in my eyes, Juliet felt quite nervous and touched my shoulders, "hold on dear. Don't hurt your brother."

"Teach him how to behave!" I screamed.

"Calm down, " Juliet walked toward John, "honey, what you did to your sister is quite wrong. Apologize to her."

"I used to like her when she had a pretty hair but now her hair looks like a snow, I don't wanna bother."

I gasped at his insolense.

John grabbed his ball, "I was going to go play with my ball before you came in Trina so I'm gonna go."

"You're just gonna walk away?"

"Yeah I'm tired staring at you I wanna puke." He walked out of the room.

"Mum, you're gonna have to talk to John to stop taking my stuffs!" I shouted.

Juliet sighed feeling quite stressed out, and she patted her head, "I wanna go to my room, I feel sleepy."

I stared at her leaving and I felt quite bad that she did not want to hear me out or try to defend me and I felt like sulking.

My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pants. I glanced at the screen and I saw it was Jake calling and I felt energised with elation, I instantly picked up the call.