Chapter 37: Feelings

[You have slept in a comfortable bed, all negative status conditions have been removed, HP and CP have been fully recovered.]

Naruto woke up refreshed, he closed the notification of the system and got out of the hospital bed.

He felt more refreshed than before and his arm had completely healed before he was able to get out of the room though, a doctor entered the room.

With a quick cast of observe Naruto figured out who the doctor was and why he seemed familiar.

[Nagayoshi Satomi

Title: Doctor

LVL: 31

STR: 55

VIT: 70

DEX: 100

INT: 90

WIS: 86

Description: Nagayoshi Satomi is a medical ninja that works at the Konoha hospital, he is in charge of taking care of Genin, Chunin, and some Jonin level shinobi, he graduated the academy and became a genin but instead of becoming a Chunin he became a medical ninja and is one of the best medic-nin's in Konoha.]

This was the same doctor that had healed him all those years ago.

"Ah it's you!" Naruto exclaimed.

Satomi looked a bit confused so Naruto explained "You were the one that healed me when I was 4, I still remember your face!" Naruto said with a grin.

Satomi smiled "Well that's great and all but can I know why you are out of your bed with the injuries that you received?" he asked.

Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of his head "Well since I am the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi I heal insanely fast, coupled with the vitality of the Uzumaki clan I usually heal from all wounds in my sleep." Naruto explained.

Since Satomi looked skeptical Naruto pulled off the bandages that covered his arm and showed him clear and unscarred skin, save for the ones he got all those years ago, he still didn't know why those scars wouldn't disappear but it didn't matter that much to him anyway.

The two of them went through the usual check-ups and Satomi confirmed that Naruto was in perfect condition, even the remnants of the poison had been completely purged from his body.

Doctor Satomi was amazed by Naruto's regeneration speed, "Naruto-san, I have a request to make of you, only if you allow it of course." Satomi asked.

This piqued Naruto's interest so he nodded at Satomi to continue, "Recently I have been asked to do research on improving healing techniques and when I saw the speed that you regenerate at I was absolutely amazed, my request would be to be able of studying some of your genes and DNA so that I can break through a recent bottleneck that I reached." Satomi told Naruto.

Naruto thought about it for a second, the chances of this man being someone shady were slim to none so he decided to trust him, and if he could help out in creating better healing techniques then why not?

"Well, I'll agree if you can give me all the techniques that medic-nin are taught, like the chakra scalpel and the healing jutsus," Naruto said

While he didn't mind helping he didn't want to go away empty-handed so he asked for some jutsu.

The doctor nodded and told Naruto to wait for a bit, after 5 minutes the doctor returned with a few scrolls.

"These are all the scrolls that I have access to, I left out all the basic knowledge ones, these are the specific jutsu that are required to become a medic-nin, now if you follow me I'll take some samples of your blood and DNA." Satomi handed Naruto the scrolls and motioned for him to follow.

Naruto swiftly put the scrolls in his inventory since it would soon become public knowledge that he could store things without a sealing scroll so it wouldn't make sense to hide it anymore.

The two of them went to a lab that was in the hospital and took a few samples of Naruto's hair, skin, and blood, it was a quick and efficient process, Naruto was out of the hospital within 10 minutes.

Naruto headed over to his friend's house, first up was Shino since it would most likely take less time to catch up with Shino.

Naruto knocked on the door of the Aburame clan head's house and waited a few moments before the door was opened by the head of the Aburame clan himself, Shibi Aburame stood in front of Naruto.

"Hmm, what might you be doing here?" Shibi asked Naruto.

"Yo Aburame-san, is Shino at home? I wanted to tell him that I was out of the hospital, and I wanted to check up on him after all that happened." Naruto told Shibi.

Shibi nodded and motioned for Naruto to follow him, they walked through the house into the backyard, and since Shino decided to use Rinkaichu and Kikaichu both Shibi had moved his insect colony to a closer place so that they wouldn't damage the insect colonies of the other Aburame members.

Naruto saw Shino working on bettering his insect colony, he said that he had been trying to breed Kikaichu and Rinkaichu together but that wasn't that important right now.

Shibi walked away to let Naruto and Shino talk to each other in private.

"You seem lost in thought," Naruto said.

Shino stayed silent for a second before turning to face Naruto, "I've just realized how weak we are is all." Shino said and turned back to tend to his colony.

Naruto nodded, "Yeah, but we will become stronger than Kisame one day, even if takes us over a decade, we are still just 11 years old, we shouldn't even be worried about fighting the likes of Kisame." Naruto said to console Shino.

Shino simply nodded.

The two of them did not need many words to communicate with each other, they simply understood each other as if it was a natural thing to them.

Naruto realized that he wasn't the only one with the desire to become stronger, he could practically feel the determination oozing off of Shino, the will to become better was like a raging fire that heated up Shino's surroundings.

And Naruto grinned wildly at that, this was the exact reason why Naruto was best friends with Shino.

The two spent a few silent minutes together before Naruto decided to leave.

He visited Guy-sensei who had already started training again and then went to visit the Uchiha's.

The second he entered the house he was embraced in a hug by Mikoto, she was extremely worried after seeing the pictures taken of Naruto's wounds and had barely slept the past night so she was extremely relieved to see that NAruto was perfectly healthy.

Fugaku and Itachi merely nodded at him in sympathy, while Itachi hadn't come that close to losing his arm before he had ended up in the hospital many times and he knew that the experience wasn't great so he felt sympathetic to Naruto.

Fugaku had been in many fights with S-rank shinobi and the first time he had encountered an unfriendly one he had been shaken to the core, safe to say he pitied Team 9.

As for Sasuke, well he wasn't all that good, straight after returning he had thrown himself into training, saying that he needed to protect his friends, Fugaku realized that Sasuke most likely had his Sharingan activated during the battle.

Whenever the user activated the Sharingan the scenes that they hated the most would play before their eyes, each time they used it they would be reminded of the bad things that happened to them, that was why it was called the curse of the Uchiha, they literally cursed themselves by using the Sharingan, that is why it is important to use the Sharingan to record any happy memories.

But this case was different, Sasuke's Sharingan had reached full maturity, meaning he was able to see Naruto's arm almost get cut off, this experience would be enough to trigger the side effects of the Sharingan, coupled with the constant reminder of Kisame's killing intent it caused Sasuke to spiral into a very deep hole.

Fugaku was forced to knock Sasuke out in order to get him to rest.

Sasuke was currently eating breakfast.

"Damn, you look like shit." Naruto remarked cheekily.

"Tch, as if you know what I feel." Sasuke verbally lashed out at Naruto.

"You do know that we experienced the same exact thing right?" Naruto deadpanned.

"And if this is how you react from fighting a single S-rank opponent I think you should stop being a shinobi." Naruto said seriously.

This seemed to shock Sasuke enough to have him regain some sense, "You break down just because we encountered an opponent that is stronger than us and got injured a bit, this is not the Sasuke that I know, the Sasuke that I know should have already gotten over this problem and would be striving to become stronger in a sensible manner, not trying to escape reality by throwing himself into training." Naruto finished by smacking Sasuke on the head.

Sasuke exclaimed in pain and sighed deeply, "Tch, I hate it when you are right." Sasuke admitted shamefully.

Naruto chuckled, "I'm glad you're okay now, please don't be an idiot anymore."

"Yeah, yeah I hear you." Sasuke grunted out.


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