Chapter 71: Fighting Yagura

Yagura blocked a slash from Naruto and jumped over the lightning-enhanced shuriken that Sasuke threw.

Yagura was a sturdy and slippery opponent, even if the chakra of the Sanbi clouded his mind his reflexes and muscle memory made him move as smoothly as water and he was quick like a snapping turtle, Yagura capitalized on every opportunity that the three fighters plus Chojiro gave him, it was obvious that even though the three of them were stronger than him he was far more experienced, and the strength difference wasn't big enough to completely ignore experience and technique.

Thus a long and hard battle began, Mei's main form of fighting was by using her two Kekkei Genkai to spew large amounts of hot steam and lava at her opponents, except in this case it didn't do too much since Yagura had an incredibly powerful assortment of water Ninjutsu, it was said that if he had focused on his water release that he would have been able to compete with the Nidaime Hokage, Tobirama Senju, who was called the best water user in the Elemental Nations.

Sasuke mostly hung around the back and only went in as a distraction or to deliver lightning-fast attacks, he was contemplating using his newly acquired powers but the warning his father had given him over the extended usage of the eyes made him wary of using them, this was a battle that he wanted to win without relying on the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan, he believed that he and Naruto were more than adequate to defeat Yagura.

But it was up to Naruto to deal the big damage, he was the one with the most offensive power, stamina, and health, he also had the most defense if Sasuke didn't use the Susanoo, but fighting someone like Yagura was difficult.

Yagura completely disregarded his surroundings, it was as if he was a completely different person than when the battle started, he had long since entered the full version two, three tails chakra mode and he was releasing his hold on the Sanbi more and more, at least it seemed like that.

But from what Naruto could see there was more in play than just the Sanbi, Naruto caught a few quick glimpses of Yagura's status and the Genjutsu on him was influencing him more and more the more he fought, it was like he was being used to destroy the village and to kill the three of them.

Naruto slipped up and Yagura immediately took advantage, Naruto could only try and block the giant club swinging at him at the last moment, he barely managed to make a guard with his hands but it was instantly broken and he was sent flying by the attack, the ground cracking under him.

Sasuke jumped behind Yagura to allow Naruto to recover for a second. Still, it seemed that Yagura had somehow already figured out where he would appear. Sasuke similarly didn't have enough time to block the attack and was sent flying much like Naruto, except he took a lot more damage than Naruto.

Mei raised four earth walls around Yagura to stop him for at least a second and bought Naruto and Sasuke some time to recover, she slapped her hands on the ground and the inside of the box was immediately filled with molten lava, it was one of her sure kill jutsu that would work on most people but it only managed to gain them a few seconds of time.

Naruto stood up and discretely summoned a chakra-enhanced piece of bread into his mouth which he immediately swallowed healing him back up to 90% of his max health, his wound healed and he was ready to fight again.

Mei saw that Naruto was ready and luckily she managed to jump back in time as Yagura broke out of the ground prison and shot a ball of concentrated water at where Mei was standing moments ago, completely decimating the ground where she previously stood.

Naruto dashed at Yagura once again and attacked with Samehada, their attacks shook the ground and destroyed the terrain around them, Yagura had to constantly expand the Sanbi's chakra as Samehada rapidly absorbed the chakra cloak.

Naruto finally managed to get a direct hit in shredding apart Yagura's charka cloak and sending Yagura flying.

Sasuke still seemed to be knocked out though, it was understandable, he was hit by an incredibly powerful Jinchuriki after all.

So Naruto decided to do the smart thing.

"Mei, Take Chojuro and Sasuke and run as far as you can, evacuate the city, make sure that no one is here within the next ten minutes, I will go all out," Naruto said with a grave face, the entirety of the village would most likely be destroyed so Naruto wanted to move the battle as far away as possible.

Mei seemed conflicted, she knew that defeating Yagura wouldn't be easy but she didn't expect him to be this strong, the rest of the village was most likely occupied by now but she didn't want to let someone else fight a battle that she should be waging, but she had come to know the type of person that Naruto was over the last few months and she knew that no matter what she said he would make them leave, so she decided to simply comply.

She picked up the limp form of Sasuke and ran out of the lava circle with Chojuro who was barely holding out.

Naruto released the hold on Kurama's chakra and flooded his system with his chakra, he had full control of it but he had never gone further than Four Tails Version Two Form so he didn't know how strong he would get from going even further than that.

Crimson chakra surrounded him, four crimson bloody tails forming behind him, Samehada held in his hands, he had managed to control this mode enough to make it less animalistic and managed to make it more humanoid although it still required work.

He was now in the Four-tailed Version 2 Form.

But Naruto went even further beyond.


You can read 6 chapters ahead on my patr eon!
