


Beginner – Intermediate – Advanced – saint – King - Emperor - God


Claude – MC, Miko Of Wailing point {Miko of Incarnation}. [[ Magic – Dismantle, storage, Time Square, low level mimic, Dedoldia's tribe secret technique (chapter 24)] [Technique – Combination Magic – Flash Blade] [Enchantment – GPS, Spatial Stoage, coffin box, bomb, barrier item, Mana Storage]]

Somar – The mob that appeared often, the leader of Sylph bully

Mike – the black-haired Kid.

Laws – Sylph's father

North Sword saint Garus – the smuggler in Dedoldia Village

Vera – Bikini armor girl, been fixed by Claude in chapter 39

Nina Farion - Gal farion's daughter and Eris friend (Sword God's daughter)

Jino Britts - the future sword gods and Nina's husband

Doga - Isolte's husband, and future Northern Emperor

Isolte Cruel - Water god's granddaughter Eris and Nina's friend. [Main love interest]

Reida Reia - Water God

Eris Boreas Greyrat = you know who

Troubador = Roxy's friend from the manga Roxy is serious, she's a travelling minstrel with a pink hair and big chest.

Bloody Kant = Roxy's teacher, and the writer of Six faced world's myriad race [R01]

C – Charles, Division C leader

D – Douglas, Division D (Dungeon) leader, Begarit continent Crossbow guild leader. D have 49 member and support division along with Research division within the Crossbow. Chapter 100

U – Lucas Lumiere, introduced in chapter 102 as D49. Former noble lineage and the current leader of the newly established U (undertaker) division.

Lynn – The travelling minstrel that had knowledge on the other series on Kuro's world. As of now, he already told the story about Naruto and One Piece. Chapter 108

Ash – Monster tamer, the sky rider, Division A leader chapter 54-55

Eugene Bluehorse – Sword Emperor of Royal Knight in Asura Kingdom [Early Sword Emperor rank] defeated by Claude in chapter 71-72

Euclid Whitespider – North Emperor of Royal knight in Asura Kingdom, a female leader led Information gathering division of the kingdom. Chapter 95

Garren Yellowsnake – North Emperor of Royal knight in Asura Kingdom, Security Division leader, had a nasty personality. Chapter 95

Rigit Silvertoad – Prime Minister of Asura Kingdom, a greedy person that want to use Arbalest and squeeze it dry on purpose. Chapter 95

Emporio – Water Emperor, God title Candidate a man in his 40s that doing his best to learn all the technique of Water God style to hold the God title.