Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (63)

Madam Salem fussed around for a long time before she let her two children go. When she made sure they had no injuries on their bodies, she was finally in the mood to talk about other things.

While they were in the palace for three days, many things happened in the kingdom.

On the first day, the Rock River that passed through the entire Kingdom broke through the dams and flooded the two cities of Eden and Tunrin, destroying countless homes and crops.

It is said that the magistrate and other officials had long since fled when the disaster broke out and was aware that there were problems in the dam, but the officials embezzled any money sent to repair it

Now there were thousands of refugees rushing to the capital. However, the bad news was that the space and food in the capital were limited, and there was no way to accommodate the vast amount of refugees.