Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (64)

Nailu stiffened as if he had been caught by the neck and stared at Luke with wide-open eyes, and it didn't dare to make a movement or send out send message through the connection he shared with his host.

Those red eyes seemed to penetrate through the space and see through all its secrets. When the system felt as if it were about to be suffocated, those eyes finally looked away. 

Nailu still did not move until Luke had climbed through the window and stood in front of its host's bed, staring down at the sleeping boy.

The system tentatively moved, and when there was no reaction from Luke, it immediately disappeared in place and ran back to the main space. No, he still had to report to the Lord! Thi, the bug has evolved!!

Naturally, Luke could not see the system, but his powers awakened slower than him, so the longer he was awake, the more powerful he would become, and naturally, he would also be more sensitive.