I'm not a Thief

Becca turned around, not seeing anyone behind her, she believed she had finally lost track of those people who were out to get out her and the man with the scary aura as well. She looked at her hand but felt nothing. Where was the pendant? Had she lost it in the forest? No No No, she couldn't have? Her face turned pale, that necklace was special to her, it reminded her of home and Old Martha said she should never take it off that it wasn't ordinary and that it would protect her from the night creatures, well Old Martha still thought she was human.

She had changed her name from Isobel Flame to Becca Lewis and that had been her name through out the entire year, she had been living a very comfortable life until Old Martha became very ill and needed money for medicines and treatments.

Becca had come to care for Martha and was really stressed because of Martha. She had worked hard and overtired herself but that wasn't enough as Martha's condition was becoming serious and so did the medicine become very expensive, se could no longer afford them so she stole to give them to Martha but today was not a lucky day because she got caught and if she allowed them catch her, she would be tagged as a thief for the rest of her life, she wouldn't let them catch her.

She stood up from the grass and stared ahead when she began to hear male voices, they were approaching her, " There she is, Tam go get her", the leader yelled for the other vampire guard to start approaching her but like a phantom, she was no longer there. She looked up, to find herself buried in the arms of the stranger from earlier but there was something weird, he was wearing her pendant and smiling sheepishly at her.

She immediately jumped down and took two steps away from him. " What? You don't find my arms comfortable? I'm surprised", he said dramatically and she just looked at him confused before staring at her pendant. It wasn't a replica but it was exactly hers. " Do you want it?", he asked as he held the pendant in his hand, he had snatched it from her when she was off guard and when she ran away, she failed to realize her jewellery was with him.

" Give it back to me..", Becca said in an attempt to get it but all she caught was air and he laughed from behind her. He had used his Vamp speed to get them away from the guards and also sent them a warning that the hooded Lady was with a high ranked vampire after all, not all vampires had crazy speed which allowed them to travel far.

" Did you steal this? Is that why you are being chased by those men? You stole it didn't you?", he said somewhat amused and Becca felt frustrated, why did she meet someone like this who wasn't willing to let her go but even took her to the heart of the forest. " I'm not a Thief, now give my pendant back to me, sir", she said with all due respect, she didn't even know if she was still normal or was indeed a thief.

" Not a thief, ok, I believe you", He said to have her stare at him puzzled. He walked closer to her closing the distance between them and he could smell her blood much better now, he could easily have his way with her and bury her body in a way the higher-ups were never going to find out but why have a one day snack when you could have a forever snack with interest? He could tell how good she tasted and he wanted her as his blood bag for life.

" What did you steal Little one? Tell me or I will return you back to those people, I brought you here and I can take you back", Liam spoke in a shivering cold tone that she looked up at him in fear. Gone was the playful look he once had and she felt like she couldn't hide anything from those beautiful eyes glaring coldly at her. " I....I stole medicine, I've been doing it continuously but didn't know I would be caught, my caretaker is sick and she needs expensive drugs, I have no money and the only way I could get the drugs was befriending the old man who owned the medicine store and slowly steal from him", Becca spoke softly with her head down in shame.

He stared at the little human and an idea hit him like a wave causing a grin to plaster on his face. " I have a proposal, you have two options you either say Yes or No", he said to have her stare at him intently with those captivating blue eyes, the young girl was pretty, even better looking than the girls who always tried to court him. She looked nothing fake and not promising, her pale neck was pretty attractive and he even felt like not handing her the necklace as it would ruin the beauty of the neck.

" I promise to provide your caretaker all the help she needs and sponsor her treatment as long as you promise to accompany me to my home and become my blood bag", he said so shamelessly and she looked at him dumbstruck before turning her back and walking away from him. " Don't you agree?", he asked her to see her stop. " Do you think I am a fool sir.", she said and he corrected " Liam".

Becca stared at him confused, " What?", what was he saying now? " Liam, the name is Liam not sir, I'm not old, I'm just 3 centuries wiser", he said to have her writhed her eyebrows before bursting out exhausted. " Listen Liam, I will not become your human blood bag. You have no right to do that to me and I would never agree to be a vampire's meal you hear me", she said and started walking away again only to run into him as he had immediately appeared in front of her.

" It's not for you but for Martha, I didn't just say I wanted you as a blood bag but I also promised to help Martha too but only if you agree first", he said and fixed the pendant on her neck and just like he thought, it hid her pale neck but stopped the overpowering smell of human blood. " What an interesting antique You've got here Little one", he said and stopped playing with the necklace.

Becca bit her lip in reasoning. Martha would not be happy to find out she had turned into a vampire's meal but by this, she could save Martha from dying as Martha was her only family in Dameville. She thought for a while before asking, " And why should I trust you, how can you help me?",he stared at her as if he was excited about something. " I'm the Vampire Prince, Liam Wesley, but that's that, up to important matters, Are you willing to accept my proposal", He asked impatiently and she nodded.

" A nod will be of no use Little one", he said to have her stand still. " I accept your proposal and hope that you will not break your promise", she stated firmly, now she felt she could relax since the vampire prince had promised to oversee Martha's case. Liam smiled at her and gladly took her hand and all of a sudden they were no longer there but were now sitting in the carriage. She was in the coach man seat, she looked around but didn't find any sign of the coach man nor the prince.

" Liam?", she called in a panicking voice and he hummed. " Little one start the carriage already, I want to go back home soon before mother worries", he said and she became confused, what did he mean by start the carriage? Did he expect her to drive?