What happened?

Becca didn't know what to do... she jumped down, went to the passenger window and knocked on it patiently, truth be told she was fucking nervous. She didn't know how to drive a carriage and obviously she didn't know the route to the castle but he expected her to drive both of them to the castle.

Liam opened the carriage door and stepped down. " Who is going to drive the carriage if we are both back here uhn, go drive the carriage i said I wanted to get back soon, mother must be waiting for me", he barked out the orders and was about going in again when she held his elbow, noticing what she did, she took her hand back and said softly. " Liam, I don't know the way to the palace or how to drive a carriage", and his gaze on her intensified.

" So should I drive the carriage? You're impossible little one, get in", he said and she got into the carriage while he climbed alongside her. She stared at him puzzled as he locked the door, what was he doing? If both of them were seated in the passenger seat, how was the carriage supposed to move? They both sat there in silence, nothing was happening, she told herself to wait maybe he had something up his sleeve but with the way he kept staring at her instead of doing anything about the unmoving carriage, they were both helpless.

" Liam how are we supposed to leave, when no one is driving the carriage?", she asked to hear him chuckle softly. " I thought I asked you the same thing a while ago, relax the coachman is working his way around something", and just as Liam voiced that out, the carriage started to move and she stared at him surprised. Didn't he kill the coach man, she saw the coach man's lifeless body except he never killed the Coach man and the coach man was one of them, the night creatures.

All through out the ride, the carriage was silent. Not once did she fall asleep as she was not very trusting of vampires or anyone at least, Martha was the only exception. She felt that deep down she had been hurt and she did not want to go through that road again. She looked at the sky which had turned from day to night, her blue orbs went to the prince who was now going through some scrolls. She never saw that just now, how come.

The carriage came to a small stop and the coach man opened the door for the lady to step out. Becca turned around staring at Liam as if asking him if he was not coming along but he just stared at her blankly, she sighed and followed the coach man where she saw a lady who immediately ushered her into an inn. Looking at the size of the Inn, Becca was sure this was an expensive inn, she never got the privilege to see such places after her little runaway adventure, she was no longer the princess and could not go to her parents because of her self respect.

" My name is Lady Santoshi and I'll be helping you to your room, Could you give me your name ma'am", the lady in her mid thirties asked Becca drawing her away from her reverie. " Rebecca but you can call me Becca I really do not mind", Becca smiled sweetly and the lady smiled in return. The prince never brought any lady along with him to this Inn before, he barely even spared a single glance at their services but for him to bring a human female to get changed here, she must hold a lot of importance.

Lady Santoshi took Becca into the room to let her freshen up and get dressed that she would be out here waiting for her. Becca nodded and went in to see a beautiful bed with arranged pillows, the room was welcoming and comfortable. She changed her clothings and got into the bathroom and washed herself carefully. The clothing on the bed was the type of clothings she never thought she would be privileged to use in a long time, it made her remember her past as Isobel, the Princess of GREVINHALE.

Becca arranged herself and put on the beautiful sandals, she didn't bother about her old clothes and went out to not keep the prince waiting. she had just stepped out and locked the door only to turn around and be met with Liam's deadly gaze, she wanted to scream but he covered her mouth with his huge hand and with his other hand motioned for her to be quiet, after he saw she was complying he pointed to the ground and what she saw made her almost scream her lungs out if not for Liam's big hand still on her mouth.

Lady Santoshi was lying in a pool of blood, her own blood. She looked up at the place and saw that it looked like what had been ambushed. Nothing was the same as she had left it. What happened and she didn't know, what was she cleaning on her body that made her not hear anything? Wasn't she different from other witches?

Liam pulled her close to his chest and she instinctively wrapped her arm around his neck for support. She didn't even realize how she had slowly began to trust him. In a flash, they were no longer in the building but outside, they got in the carriage and the coachman drove them out of there in a hurry. It was like he wanted to get them into a safe place. Becca wanted to look back and check what happened, the speed Liam used did not allow her to observe the place but again Liam pulled her to him tighter not wanting her to see.

What actually happened?