
All through the ride back to the palace none of them said a word to each other. She wanted to ask but could not because gone was the calm and good looking vampire prince she met a moment ago, right now he looked like he could kill anyone for the slightest mistake.

When they arrived at the Castle, on seeing their carriage, the gate was lifted up and the carriage rode in. They got down and headed into the huge fine castle. " Julio", Liam yelled and Becca felt her body stiffen, He was really not in a good mood was he? She saw a fair skinny man run to the prince and immediately fell at his feet." Milord, I had no idea you came back, Milord punish me", The man Becca thought as Julio immediately began to plead for mercy when all they did was call his name.

" Get up you fool, where's the queen mother?", He asked and Julio quickly got up and replied " She's in the chambers of the King, Milord, should I inform her of your arrival?", Julio asked with his head bowed. This was interesting, Julio was really fearsome of the Prince, who wouldn't be? His cold aura could do damages to one's mental state.

" Julio take this lady to the room next to my sleeping chambers and make sure no one gets a whiff about her being here, if anyone does, it won't be just your other eye that goes missing", Liam voiced out, finally letting go of Becca and walked away without sparing a glance at her. It was now she realized that Julio was not only skinny but he had an eye patch on one of his eyes, did he lose his eye at some point.

" Follow me, milady", Julio said breaking her from her trance and she followed him.

" Future queen, I've heard from the guards that The young lord has returned and he's now back in the castle", a maid spoke softly for her madame to hear and a huge smile broke out on her madame's lips. " I hope you're not lying to me Gwen, you do not want to become my meal for a day do you?", The young girl spoke fiercely for the maid to fall on her feet. " I swear on my life Future queen, if I am wrong, you can do as you please to me but I really trust my informant and they are the ones who hang around the gate",Gwen said with certainty and her madame raised her hand for her to get off her feet.

This was just the news she had been waiting for, the prince's arrival. He had been gone for a whole month and she couldn't get to see him nor convince him of anything. But now that he was all back she won't let him go and she will use her tricks to get him in her bed and bare his child. Victoria smiled at the thought of seeing Prince Liam again,her life was incomplete without him and with him her life was perfect.

Victoria was non other than the daughter of the duke and the best friend of Liam's younger sister Georgia. Liam had two identical twin sisters who were both beautiful vampiress. One had a sharp tongue and the other was meek. Georgia was the one with a sharp tongue, she lived with her aunt for three years and so doing adapted her aunt's character of speaking ill of people and looking down on humans as weak beings who were only food to them night creatures.

Victoria also called Tori, grew up with the promise of becoming the future queen of Dameville. Her late mother who was once the friend of the queen had encouraged her and build her up with the mindset that as long as she behaved well with the Queen mother, her position as the future King's wife would be secured. Tori had successfully formed a bond with the prince younger sister Georgia but the other one Gina never gave her face and she wouldn't have bothered if Gina wasn't the prince favorite among the two no matter how much Georgia ignored it. Tori was literally obsessed with the title of Future queen that she even called herself that in secret.

" Gwen get out of my room, go find out where the prince is for me.... and report quickly, I want to prepare myself for him", she said and left to the patio for fresh air. Gwen did as she was told and hurried out to go find out the whereabouts of the prince or the future queen might have her beheaded and buried in a place where even the higher-ups would not be able to trace her to.

Julio took the blue eyed lady along with him to the room which the young lord had ordered him to. Who could this lady be? The young prince had never brought a lady home with him not that lady's didn't show up around him, Lady Tori was a correct example but even Lady Tori never got to see the chambers of the prince nor live next to him infact. Whatever the relationship was between the prince and the blue eyed girl, he wouldn't interfare.

He watched her go into the room without questions and quickly shut the door behind her. Did he do something, so rude, she didn't even say goodnight. There maybe another Lady Tori in the castle now. Without thinking too much he left the front door to go mind his business, as long as he had carried out his order, he need not do any thing else, her behavior was her behavior.

Becca heaved a deep sigh when she heard the sound of retreating footsteps. She felt like she had been walking with a ghost just now. The way Julio walked was terrifying, not many would notice it but she did, she was a witch after all. His bones were actual bones and beneath those eye patch was an eye with purple color. Julio was not a vampire, she had read about his kind in one big book which told the tale of the past. Julio was a bird. Bird that feed on other birds, the witches called those creatures, Birderas.