Rebecca Lewis

Becca felt everyone's intense gaze on her and she couldn't blame them. Who would crazily volunteer to be a vampire's blood bag. The higher-ups had made things easy by controlling the meals of the Vampires so some amount of them were limited to human blood and some who decided to disobey the higher-ups had to get punished by having a stake in their dead heart.

" Liam this is nonsense. You can have any maid you want in the palace and no one would find out but you suddenly decide to pick a girl from the commoners", Liam's aunt voiced out with disgust in her tone, looking at Becca like she would swallow her any moment.

" Who told you your opinion was needed, Aunt Laurel? I brought her here and I don't need to explain to you why, you can keep standing and asking yourself questions or we have breakfast peacefully", Liam said with an air of authority. He turned to Becca stretching out his hands for her to take and she did just that.

He led her to the table where all type of food layed especially meat and some sort of red juice which she guessed was blood. He had her seat next to him. No one said anything more and seated to have breakfast, they didn't want to get Liam angry.

" Well now that that's settled, I was wondering brother Liam when your coronation would be held?", Gina asked with some pieces of bread in her mouth to have her mother glare at her. " Tomorrow", Liam replied drily before placing some bread in Becca's plate.

Becca felt some gazes on her, again, but she just decided to ignore it and feed herself. She would question Liam when they got back in the room but for now, she would eat, she had not eaten anything since yesterday so anything Liam placed on her plate, she ate.

The food got tiring for some people like Laurel, Tori and Georgia so they left halfway through the food. Becca felt full but Liam kept placing more and more food on her plate. She stared at him trying to get his attention but he simply ignored her. She then kicked his foot under the table causing the table to make funny movements but and everyone stared at both of them, where the noise was coming from.

"Sorry everyone I would leave now", she said wanting to get up and leave. Halfway to the door, Liam voice sounded in her ears. " Little one, did I ask you to leave?", she turned around to face him and he was wearing that undescribable cold look again. She sighed and went back to seat next to him. Soon enough, everyone left and it was just the both of them in the dining room

" Liam I want to see Martha", she said after watching how slow Liam hate meat. He turned to her, said nothing and returned back to eating meat slowly.

" Liam please just let me see her,I haven't seen her for a day, I just want to see her please", she started pleading with him. She was getting to understand Liam, he was a tough prince. If you wanted something you have to be sweet, she was sure that now he would let her see Martha.

He finally glanced at her, " Do you want me to take you to Martha?", he asked her and she looked at him confused. She didn't know what to answer. The last time he ordered her to ride a carriage and she claimed not to know how, he sat with her in the carriage seat for long. What if she said yes and he would refuse saying that she was ordering him around.

After a lot of thought, she decided to tell him because his gaze wasn't leaving her anymore. " You don't need to take me there, I can just go myself and return before dark, I promise, I just want to check if she's alright", she said and his calm gaze turned icy. Did she say something wrong?

" Little one, if you wish to see Martha, you'll have to go get Julio for me", he said and started eating meat again. Becca's face paled. Julio? wasn't he the Birdera, she didn't even know where to find him, but she needed to see Martha, how well was the prince's people taken care of Martha?

She got up confident and left to go find Julio, she was certain she would indeed find him. Liam stared at the silhouette of Becca before smiling. " Julio", he whispered and Julio immediately appeared next to him, bowing like he always did.

" Yes Milord? What can I do for you?", Julio said with respect, " Get the royal court assembled, I have big news", with that said Julio disappeared quickly to go pass the message. Julio was Liam's personal servant who only answered to his call. The Birdera didn't live in the castle and no one knew him as Julio except his mother, who was Becca going to find?

Becca started looking for Julio. The first place she thought to check was the royal kitchen. It took her a long time to find the kitchen and she finally did, when she stepped in, the maids looked at her confused before turning their gazes like they didn't care.

She was already used to being stared at normally so it didn't bother her unlike the first day after she left Grevinhale where everyone was staring at her and she felt so uncomfortable because she was the princess and was barely seen but they never knew that, even she had lost a bit of her memory.

She walked up to one of the maids and tapped her softly. The maid turned around and looked at her with an eye brow raised, " What do yo want? Be fast I need to cook Lady Tori another breakfast", the maid said rudely, drawing attention from the other maids.

Becca frowned, why was the maid being all worked up, she just tapped her.She quickly went straight to the point, " I am looking for Julio, Liam wants to see him", Becca stared for the maids to gasp like she had committed an atrocity.

" How dare you call him by his name! are you mad?", Tori yelled from the door and Becca turned around only to be met with Georgia and a red haired, who was that.

"Who?", she asked subconsciously and Tori face twisted and she almost lunged at Becca if it wasn't for Georgia who held her in place. Georgia turned to look at Becca intimidatingly for Becca to bow her head, she needed to give respect to the Vampire princess. " Rebecca Lewis, what did you just refer my brother the future king of Dameville as, Liam, never dare do that. Only those close to him can, a mere blood bag is not worthy of saying his name", she said calmly and Tori smiled.

" Look at her, Lady Georgia, she's so stupid, she dared say his name isn't she supposed to be locked up till she's useful to Prince Liam I wonder who gave her the right to roam around the castle", the red haired uttered again and Becca stared at her in shock, was this girl thinking she was a slave? Her obedience didn't mean she was foolish