I'm not stupid

Becca didn't pay mind to the red haired anymore as she had already assumed the red haired was bitter about something and was venting her anger out on her. She turned to Georgia and cleared her throat. "Princess Georgia, I need a favor", she said and Tori fumed. Becca was ignoring her, this shit of a blood bag was ignoring her, wait till she tells Prince Liam about it, this girl would soon have her full for feeling too smart.

" Speak", Georgia said drily. " I've been searching for Julio, the servant, the one Li- Prince Liam asked me to find, do you mind telling me where I could find him?", Becca asked seriously hoping princess Georgia didn't lose her temper. If they couldn't help her she might as well go back to Liam and figure out another way.

" Who the fuck is Julio?",Georgia asked and Tori chuckled. " Are you surprised Lady Georgia, the girl is a commoner, a blood bag who has been dolled up by the prince, I won't be surprised if she was stupid", Tori said and kept chuckling as if she had found something funny.

" I'm not stupid", Becca voiced out in between Tori's annoying chuckle and Georgia turned to look at her with a questioning eye? What was that supposed to mean? She was not stupid! Just because Georgia was staring at her like that didn't mean she would accept being stupid. She was Liam's blood bag not both the girls dummy. She wouldn't stand still for something as bully.

" Rebecca what did you just say to Lady Tori? Did you just speak back to her?", Georgia asked with her intimidating gaze and all the servant felt the kitchen go hot. The human blood bag was in trouble, no one dared to do anything that moment in fear of upsetting Princess Georgia, fair enough, Georgia had a sharp mind and tongue unlike Tori who spoke and laughed out of proportion.

Becca gathered all her might and repeated the words clearly. " I said I am not stupid, your friend clearly called me stupid when in actual facts, I am not. Princess Georgia could you please tell me where I can find Julio?", she quickly changed the subject, finding Julio was much more important than fighting with red haired. When she noticed that Georgia wouldn't tell her, she decided to make her way out of the kitchen.

" Wait where are you going? So who do you think is stupid? Me?", Tori asked glaring daggers at Becca but Becca stared at casually like she didn't hear a thing she said but Tori took her silence as a Yes that she was the stupid one and out of anger she spoke. " Do you want to know here Julio is, come I will tell you, believe me when I say, I do know where Julio is but for that you would have to come a little closer", she said, a sinister smile playing on her lips, Becca felt she was joking and trying to lure her but when she looked at Georgia's impassive face, she couldn't help but move towards Tori.

She stood at least two feets away from the red haired and waited patiently. Tori seeing the opportunity of Becca being close to her, immediately drew her in and grabbed her neck trying to choke her. Becca tried to release Tori's grip but obviously the girl was a vampire, she wouldn't let go, she felt all her air leave her body and when she thought she won't be seeing much of life again, she stopped struggling and that was when Tori let go.

" That should teach you a lesson to know who you mess with and who you respect. You are nothing but the meal of the prince, to be used and dumped or maybe buried six feet under ground. Learn Rebecca or you will pay the price", Tori said and watched how Becca heaved for air continuously on the ground. Her eyes were filled with tears readying to spill out anytime soon.

Tori smiled with satisfaction. She had managed to teach this weak human a lesson. The girl won't dare misbehave with her, ever. " Maid", Georgia said and a maid immediately rushed to her, " You have two minutes to bring my food to my room, if I don't see it, you do know what will become of you", Georgia said and walked away not minding what Tori did to Becca.

After Tori and Georgia left, the maids didn't say anything and went back to doing their work. Not one of them even helped her up, she was just the meal of the prince to be dumped and used, all was worth it only for Martha, but why couldn't she even see Martha and she had to find Julio. She recollected herself and went for searching again, she must see Martha, she would tell Martha everything and cry out her heart, only Martha would understand her pain right now.

After minutes of searching, Becca finally gave up. What was she thinking when she went out to find Julio. All she got was a beating instead of any results. She wanted to cry, she just wanted to cry, no, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. Maybe Liam would have pity on her and let her see Martha, she would make a proposal to give him her blood in return, he would surely be hooked.

She got to the dining room and softly opened the door only to see the worst scenario. Julio stood next to Liam and they seemed to be in a deep conversation. He made her find Julio when all along Julio was with him, How? How could he? Did he not really want her to see Martha, he had been playing her.

Of course she had been played, she agreed to become a vampire's meal without reasoning. Becca looked at him with her tears at the brink of letting themselves go. He seemed to have noticed her presence because he looked up to meet her eyes. She didn't say a word, she just stared at him, turned around and walked out.