You might as well use me till I die

Becca didn't know the way back to the sleeping chambers and she didn't want to cross paths with anyone from the castle so she chose to step into the garden instead to gather her thoughts. She didn't want to see Liam right now, she wasn't even sure if he cared how she felt. Back there, there was a way he looked at her, like he cared and like those indifferent eyes were asking her what's wrong? She sighed as she thought about everything.

It was just too much. First she turned herself into a thief and now she had been subjected to nothing but a vampire's blood bag. She had to get her powers back. She wished she had not run out of the castle because maybe then her life wouldn't be this complicated, she missed her parents. It was just like giving herself freedom for a whole year only to be caged in captivity again.

Tears were just flowing down like little droplets from her eyes that she had long forgotten she was in the garden. She got back to the real world when she felt someone's hands on her cheeks as if wiping the tears. She looked up and saw those dark eyes staring at her. She just turned away from him, she was too weak to argue or explain she just wanted to be alone.

" Becca come inside with me, it might rain and the weather is starting to change", she heard him speak softly to her and she just got up and waited for him to lead the way. All through, Becca did not once spare Liam a glance and it was somehow eating him up, should he tell her about what he had arranged.


Liam had sent Becca to look for Julio not only for his amusement but to get her away from him for a while. The more she believed that Julio was her ticket to see Martha, the more time and energy she would spend looking for Julio.

After Julio came back from his first errand on inviting the royal court for dinner. He asked him to arrange a place for a lady. He knew very well that the only way to her was Martha so he had to keep Martha close to her for her to be obedient. He had never before been attracted to a woman or tried to make a woman stay with him. But there was something about Becca that was pretty enchanting, like she was luring him away from the things of the world just with one look at her captivating blue eyes.

On their arrival at the door, he couldn't take it anymore and made her turn to meet him. Her eyes were facing the floor refusing to meet his. " Little one show me your face", he said calmly but she slowly raised her head refusing to meet his eyes and looking some where else. She didn't even want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her eyes, did she hate him up to that point.

He felt something boil in him and he raised her chin with his hands only for her to cry out in pain. He looked at her neck and saw red marks that looked like she had been strangled. His eyes darkened at the thought, " Who did this to you?", he asked coldly and she shivered involuntarily. " Answer me Becca who did this?", he asked and she found herself speaking at once. " Why do you care? it's all your fault after all, oh wait maybe it's my fault. All am saying is you shouldn't care It would be better if you didn't", she said harshly and turned around to open the door so she could get in.

" Becca! Tell me what truly happened, I only sent you to look for Julio so...", Liam started but Becca yelled at him to stop. " Look Prince Liam, I'm nothing but your blood bag, don't care about me , you're not allowed to do anything just don't bother ok?", she said and Liam's face remained indifferent, why was Becca hurt? Who dared to touch her when he clearly said she was his blood bag.

" Look we made a deal, you're my responsibility", He started again but she shook her head for him to stop. " No, you played me, there's no deal you might as well use me till I die, I don't fucking care", she said and slammed the door on his face. Whatever he wished to do he could do, she won't care and he should not care about her either, she turned around and someone caught her eye, Martha.

Martha was on her bed, Why was....? Did Liam bring Martha over? She rushed over to Martha and stared at her with longing eyes. Martha opened her eyes and on seeing Becca, she smiled.