Not scare her away

The next morning, Liam woke up to the bright light coming from the patio doors opened. He sensed someone's presence in his room last night, it was his little one, oh of course she would be in his room, after saying hurtful words to him she probably came to apologize, he won't forgive her easily, she would have to do a lot to appease him but how did he get on the bed?

Just then, the door to his room flew open and inside she came. She was holding a bowl but what was in it

Becca stared at Liam in awe, was it a gift or something because she had heard how a werewolf's bite could be venomous to a vampire. Last night, she was very scared when she saw the wound. She even ended up cleaning it and helping him to the bed and that made her shoulders hurt real bad.

Liam kept looking at her like a prey that he had not seen in a while. She just bent down her head refusing eye contact with him. " I came to your room yesterday", she said softly but was sure he heard, but he didn't answer her like before, he still had his gaze on her though. " I brought soup, you can have it, it will make you feel better", she spoke again and dropped the soup on the side table. Since Liam wasn't answering, didn't that mean he was angry at her, she didn't know what else to say so she decided on leaving.

" That's it, that's what you came for, to bring me soup?", Liam asked sarcastically. He wanted to tell her he didn't need soup but blood but he didn't want to scare her away, but there was no saying how long he could hold on just to ' Not Scare Her Away '. Also he was upset, how could she be like this, or sure was she debating if to apologize to him or not, if she was finding it difficult to remember he would help her.

Liam got up and whooshed straight to her. Becca turned around only to find him behind her, again, she held that her small neck like it was the only thing she knew how to do when panicking.

But then he remembered, he had seen traces, red marks on them last night so....

" How did you get hurt, how did you get bitten by a wolf?", he heard her little voice asked and he smiled. Oh she wanted to know..

" If you want to know, we will have to trade information and no, before you refuse, hear me out..... If you tell me how you got hurt yesterday, I will tell you what happened at the inn", he said and saw her grumble.

Becca immediately remembered what those girls did to her. The one named Tori had a grudge with her, there was no saying that if Liam found out she would leave her be, the girl might just come after her all the more. " I'll go see if Martha needs any help, you can rest assured that I don need the information on the inn anymore, it's something of the past and am not dwelling on it", she said and left the room.

" Julio", Liam silently whispered for Julio to appear in his bedroom. " Find out what happened to Becca yesterday, and make sure I get it before sundown", he ordered like the greek god he wasn't for Julio to bow and disappear.

On Becca's arrival at the room, she didn't find Martha on the bed anymore. Could Martha have woken up and got up on her own, that was impossible, Martha's ailment was serious. She searched every corner in the room but found her no where. The maids never come to her room, so how did Martha leave, panicking she left the room only to see Liam heading her way.

" Where's Martha?", she immediately asked and Liam frowned. " You shouldn't be asking stupid questions to me, I hate it", He said and stretched out his hand for her to take.

Was he being serious right now? She was looking for and he wanted to hold her hand. Liam saw her look at his hand as if refusing and he sighed. "Little one, take my hand", he said and she slowly took it. All of a sudden, they were no longer inside the castle but outside at the entrance.

An horse was already waiting for them. " Hope you know how to ride a horse because you're going out on one", he said and she stared at it. She already guessed he was taking her to matter so she wasn't worrying. Horses she knew how to ride but to get up, she needed someone to help her. She stared at him softly and Liam felt his belly turn, she had never gazed at him ever so softly.

" I don't know how to get on one though, can you help me?"