She Wasn't Telling

Tori felt like she was dreaming when she heard voices surrounding her. She couldn't open her eyes nor could she tell where she was at the moment. She tried to turn so she could be comfortable at least but that only ended with her receiving a sharp pain at the side of her neck and her eyes immediately slid open.

" Ahhhhhhhh", she gasped in pain and the queen mother immediately sat next to her. " It's alright, you'll be fine", Elena the queen mother consoled her softly.

Tori finally looked around. She was in her room and it wouldn't have been so strange if everyone were not in her room by now. Did they not have anything else to do but watch her?

Slowly, she began to remember everything. She was heading out of the prince's chamber when she felt something scrape her. It still hurt till now and she could feel a huge piece of cloth next to it. Soothing the pain she thought.

Tori tried touching it but Elena quickly refused her. " Do not touch that Victoria dear, the physician said that your wound is pretty deep and by tomorrow with the help of that clothe the pain would subside", she said and Tori just stared, she couldn't even afford to turn. She could only reply with an "Hmmmm".

Former Prince Lukas just watched the scene quietly. He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the queen mother, his sister in-law whom he had followed.

His problem was not this harmless vampiress. His nephew's coronation was due tomorrow and he had been working himself of, showing Elena that he cared about Liam which was a farce as he was only making way for his daughter's future.

They had gone to see the higher ups today and plenty of work had still not yet been carried out. He was very certain the royals of Gardenne and Grevinhale would be arriving by noon but the higher-ups had decided to come by morning which meant they would be having breakfasts with them so certainly tomorrow would be a busy day.

Why spend it with this unimportant creature? If he had his way, he would have dragged Elena away so they could focus on important matters but he Could only wait patiently instead.

" Queen Elena ... Lady Victoria has woken up and the physician said she would be a bit fine by tomorrow..... We have other pressing matters at hand let's leave Lady Victoria in the hands of the maids ..... she will be fine", Former Prince Lukas said a bit aggrieved from staring at the girl for too long and Elena's never aging face marred in a frown before reluntantly standing up from Tori's side.

" Maids... Take care of her. If anything happens to her, you will find your selves buried six feets under ground in the forest with your head decapitated understood", Queen Elena said coldly for the maids to nod continuously as they watched her leave with Former Prince Lukas.

Laurel seeing that Elena and her husband had left, quickly saw it as an opportunity to trouble Tori or maybe fill her curiosities.

"Lady Victoria", she called and Tori just stared blankly at the ceiling before answering, " Hmmmm?", she didn't want to be bothered and she could already guess it was Laurel who wanted to know what happened but she wasn't telling.

" How did you get injured? It was such a deep wound and you even lost a lot of blood, Do you know it was the prince who found you?", Laurel asked and this picked Tori's interest.

She had stopped paying attention to Laurel when she came to the conclusion in her head that she wasn't telling anyone what happened not even Georgia but now that it was Prince Liam who found her, wasn't she in more danger?