
Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Twenty

In California, Laura and Andrea got themselves an eighteen year old just the same age with Amelia. The boy was tall, fair with brown eyes. He was staying in his room when he heard a call from Andrea.

"Damian, come down. Dinner is ready." Andrea called as Damian rushed downstairs.

Laura hasn't really been herself ever since Amelia left and she'd be lying if she said she is. Looking at Damian, Laura remembered her own daughter. She focused her attention back on the food she was preparing.

"Why haven't you had your bathe yet?" Andrea asked.

"I'll do that after dinner. I'm starving." Damian answered rubbing his stomach.

"Damian, go to your room, shower and come back down for dinner." Andrea told him but Damian was adamant, he sat down there looking like Andrea was talking to someone beside him. "Are you deaf? I said go to your room and take a shower!" Andrea yelled at him before he stood up.

"Nobody yells at me...just know that." Damian said pointing his finger at Andrea's face.

"Can you believe this boy?" Andrea asked directing the question to his wife.

"You wanted him right??" Laura asked. "Then handle him." Good thing she was done with breakfast, she quickly left the kitchen as she went straight to her room.

Tessa was still in Amelia's room when she heard the door opened and there revealed a tall guy with brown eyes. "Who are you?" Tessa asked herself since it was obvious the boy couldn't see or hear her. Damian sat on Amelia's bed as he gazed everywhere. "Nice room!" He commented. "How about I just come to this room instead?"

Tessa looked at him. "You say what?" She asked.

Damian went around, searched Amelia's room for God knows what. He went to her shelf and he saw a picture frame of Amelia. He took it and gazed at it for a while as if checking out her features. "She's kind of cute...I wonder what happened to her." He asked returning back the picture frame when the room door opened revealing an angry Laura.

"And what are you doing here?" Laura asked. "Did you lose your way to the bathroom?" Laura asked.

"Um...I was just checking out my sister-to-be...I must say I've got a really cute sister."

"Listen to me Damian..." Laura said coming closer to him. "Do not let me see you in this room ever again. Do you understand me?" Laura asked.

Damian nodded. "But mom I was actually thinking of moving in here."

"In where." Laura asked.

"Here. I mean since sister is dead, I should occupy her space." Damian answered.

"Which sister is dead? Is it the one you killer or the one you're about to kill...listen to me very carefully Damian, you're just here because my husband brought you here. My daughter is alive and doing perfectly well."

"But daddy said..."

"Said nothing." Laura cuts in. "Now get out." Laura commanded but Damian still stood there. "I said out!!" Damian rushed out of the room. Laura shut the door, sat on her daughter's bed and she burst into tears.

Tessa looked at Laura wondering why she's crying. "You could have saved her but you didn't and now you're crying???" She said shaking her head. "I really feel like hitting you with something right now but I promised Amelia I won't but then..." She went to the books that were on the shelf and she pushed them down.

Laura stopped crying as she noticed the books falling down on their own. She stood up in fright. Tessa moved to the picture frame of Amelia and her parents hung on the wall and she pushed that down too. Laura was so scared, she has never seen such a thing before. "Who is there?" She asked but of course Tessa didn't reply, she kept tripping things over, Laura had no choice but to run out of the room.

Tessa smiled. "This is will give you a little idea of what your daughter has been telling you." She said.

Amelia was outside the house staring at the night sky. Clarissa isn't awake yet and she was kind of worried so she decided to come outside to clear her head. "Tessa." She called as she remembered all the fun times they had together. She was still reminiscing when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned and standing beside her was Devon.

"Mind if I join you?" Devon asked. Amelia adjusted a little so he could sit next to her. "So who's Tessa?" Devon asked making Amelia chuckle.

"My ghost friend back then in California." Amelia answered as her smile turned to frown. "But I don't know if she's truly my friend." She looked at him then back at the sky.

"Why?" Devon asked.

"I don't know. I mean I know she wouldn't do anything to put my life in danger but at the same time....she's a ghosts and almost all the ghosts are after me for God knows what reason...why is she an exception?" Amelia asked looking at Devon.

Devon shrugged. "I don't know how to answer this but I want you to know that if this Tessa never did you harm for eighteen years, I don't think she'll do that now."

"But you don't understand, maybe she is just waiting for the right moment to strike...I don't know if I can trust her."

"What did you hear?" Devon asked. "I'm sure you must have heard something for you to say things like this." Amelia then explained to him what those ghosts said.

"Tell me how I'm to believe she isn't going to hurt me when I feel like there's a truth in what they said."

"Want an advice?" Devon asked. Amelia looked at him. "I'd advice that you hear it from the horses mouth." Devon told her. "If she truly cares about you, she'll tell you the truth. I'm pretty sure there's more to where that came from."

"What did I miss?" They heard a voice say as they turned to see Clarissa holding her back and walking slowly. "I feel like an old woman with a broken backbone right now." Clarissa said as everyone smiled.

Devon assisted her in getting her seat next to Amelia. "I'll get going then." Devon said as they waved at him.

"We'll be in soon." Amelia told him.

"OK." Devon left them as the two chit-chat.

"How do you feel?" Amelia asked.

Clarissa showed her a frozen substance that Carlos gave to her. "I have no idea what this is but it's really effective. I just have to keep rubbing it in." Clarissa told Amelia.

Amelia collected it. "I'll do it for you."

"I don't think you s..." Amelia already raised up her top and rubbed the frozen substance at the spot where it was really swollen. "I'm sorry." Amelia said Clarissa felt a tear drop at her back.

"Are you crying?" Clarissa asked turning to see her face but Amelia turned her back as she continued to apply the frozen substance. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to save you...I'm sorry that after so long we are just reuniting and I...already caused this to happen to you.... I'm really sorry Claire." Amelia apologized as Clarissa turned to look at Amelia.

"And who said it was your fault?" Clarissa asked raising Amelia's face and wiping her tears. "Those ghosts knew exactly what you are and that your existence is such a threat to them and that's why they do all that they do but you..." Clarissa smiled. " are unique and I'm glad I....didn't hate you." She said as Amelia looked at her.

"Didn't hate me?" Amelia asked.

Clarissa nodded. "I was this close to hating you Amelia." Amelia was in shock as the two of them stared at each other.