Twenty One

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Twenty-One

"What?" Amelia asked. "But why?"

"It happened a long time ago." Clarissa started.


8 years ago

Clarissa was in her room when she heard a loud shout coming out from her mom's bedroom, Clarissa ran to meet her mother only to find her mother talking to herself.

"Get away from me." Her mother said throwing a pillow at whosoever she was talking to.

Clarissa stood there dumbfounded as she ran to meet her mom.

"Mom, are you okay?" Clarissa asked helping her mom to sit on the bed. Her mother was panting and sweating at the same time. She has never seen her mother like this all her life. How was she going to take care of her mother when she's only eleven years old?

"Clarissa, I'm sorry. I never meant for you to see me like this."

"Mom." She called as she hugged her mother.


"Then what happened?" Amelia asked.

"One day I was coming back from school and I got to the house but everywhere was silent like a graveyard and I knew if my mom was in there, the place wouldn't be quiet. I searched her room, the kitchen.... I searched everywhere Amelia...but my mom wasn't home and she didn't tell me she was going anywhere either."

"Did you later find her?" Amelia asked.

Clarissa nodded. "I went to ask my neighbor if they saw my mom and she said yes but that my mom was...." Clarissa paused as she tried so hard to hold back her tears. " a psy...a psychiatric hospital."

"What?" Amelia asked in shock. "But why?"

"She said my mom was acting crazy and before things got out of hand, they had to take her there. I got to the hospital and..." She wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks. "...I saw my mom being tied down like a sheep going to the slaughter. Amelia she was crying and begging them to let her go and that she was sane but no one listened."


"Please let me go." Nurse Christen begged. "I am sane...there's nothing wrong with me. I have an eleven year old daughter I have to cater for. She has no one...please let me go to my daughter." Clarissa watched her mom begging for her freedom.

"Mom." Clarissa called as her mom turned to face her.

"Claire...Claire is that you?" She asked as Clarissa's tears rolled down her cheeks profusely.

Clarissa nodded. "It's me mom." As she was about going to meet her mom, the one in charge of the mentally disorder people came to stop her.

"I'm sorry but you can't see her." The warden said.

"But that's my mother...please let me see her."

"You can't I'm sorry.. Right now your mother isn't stable, I'm afraid of what she'd do to you."

"My mother isn't crazy...please.... It's going to be for a minute...please!".


" I pleaded and pleaded just to see my own mother but they didn't let me. I was opportune to talk to the man-in-charge and he helped me. That was when my mom told me everything and what your blue eyes did to her." Clarissa explained as Amelia sat down there dumbfounded.

"It's all because of me.." Amelia said as she placed her head on her palms. "...your And every pain you've gone all me."

"That was then Amelia....I was in between the devil and the deep blue sea...I was confused and scared and I just needed someone to pour my frustration on." Clarissa said.

Amelia sobbed as Clarissa hugged her. "It wasn't your fault. You were just a baby...I'm sure there's a reason."

"Is that why you came here?" Amelia asked.

"My mom prepared everything... It was like she knew something like this would happen."

"Is she still there?"

"I wish I knew the answer to that." Clarissa said.

"I promise...we'll get her back."

"It's been eight years Amelia...I don't even know if she's still alive."

"I guess we'll have to find out about it." Amelia said as Clarissa gave her a slight smile.

"Thanks." Clarissa said. "I think it's about time we go in."

Amelia nodded as they went inside.