Twenty Four

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Twenty Four

Tessa was stating at everyone as they stared at her in return. "So, do you guys have any plan?" She asked as everyone turned to look at Xen.

"Nothing yet because we have no idea who we are dealing with." Xen said.

"True." Tessa said. "The ghost you are dealing with is Dalton and I must tell you, the man ain't nice. He hates people disobeying his orders or stressing him out. He won't think twice of sending them to hell if needs permit...but now that he has Carlos, he will be more focused in him." She said as everyone looked concerned. "If Carlos can't endure it, there's a possibility he'll end up giving Dalton what he wants."

"I'm sure Carlos will endure it." Jason said.

Tessa scoffed. "You think so?" She asked them as her question made them have a rethink. "Dalton doesn't joke with what he wants and I'm not sure Carlos will risk his life to save everyone besides you guys need him...I'm pretty sure he'll give in relying on you guys to save him."

Amelia thought about it and she could tell that Tessa was right. "So what do you suggest we do?"

"I'm going to go there and see what's going on. I'll get back to you guys." Tessa said as they nodded.


Carlos landed on the ground hurting his hand in the process. "Ouch!" He groaned glaring at Rose who dropped him. "You couldn't see somewhere soft and comfy to throw me, uh?"

"Silence!" Dalton yelled as Carlos looked at him. He walked closer to Carlos getting a closer look at him. "Is he the one?" Dalton asked Rose.

Rose nodded. "He's the heart of the ghosthunters...without him, I don't think they can do anything.

"Awwn...that's nice of you taking notice of all that." Carlos said smiling at Rose who was glaring at him.

"Quiet!" Dalton ordered. He pulled Carlos by the neck looking him dead in the eyes. "Say one word and I'll make you just like us in no time!"

Carlos coughed as he cleared his throat. "Can you put me down now? I can't stand your stench." Dalton got angry and threw him making him hit his back on the wall.

"Chain his legs and hands and gagged that mouth of his..." Dalton ordered. "...and blindfold his eyes too." He left to his seat as his guards did as he ordered.

One of the guard was about to blindfold his eyes when Carlos threw a fit but the guard punch his face making him go unconscious.

"He's a handful." Dalton said as Rose came to meet him.

"True! But we need him." Rose reminded him.

They watched Carlos being tied up, gagged and blindfolded. Suddenly, Tessa appeared with her knees on the floor greeting Dalton. "Long live Dalton!"

Dalton looked at her for few seconds before looking away. "What are you doing here?!" He asked. "Have you done what I asked you to?" He returned his stare back at Tessa.

"It's really hard to um...attack them all alone." She said as she noticed the image of someone being tied up. "Who's that?" She asked pretending not to know.

Rose quickly whispered something into Dalton's ear. Dalton looked at Tessa before looking back at Rose.

What in the earth is this witch telling him? Tessa asked herself. I so much hate this girl...why did she have to be so smart?

"He's the heart of the ghost hunters. He's going to help up create something big that will make us win over those ghosthunters." Dalton answered.

"Something big like what?" Tessa asked.

"He's going to help us become humans again, all we need is to find the bodies and he'll do his magic." Dalton answered as Tessa gave a quick glance at Carlos before looking back at Dalton.

"Um...I'd be on my way now. Since we have the heart, I guess it'd be easier to penetrate." Tessa was about disappearing when Dalton commanded his guards to hold her captive, chaining her with a bracelet that makes it impossible for her to disappear. "What are you doing?" She asked struggling with the guards. One of there guards punched her in her stomach making her fall to the ground.

"I cant let you leave Tessa." Dalton said as he came to meet her.

"But you..."

"We know you are on their side Tessa." Rose said. "One of our guards caught you eavesdropping and he followed you and he saw that you told them that guy over there..." Rose said pointing at Carlos. "..what did you say his name is again, Link?" Rose asked the guard that found him.

"Carlos." Link answered.

"...Carlos is in danger. How can we let you go when you already know what we want to use him for? You'd probably just go to them and tell them." Rose said as she grabbed Tessa's chin, she looked her in the eyes. Tessa moved her face from her hand as she glared at her.

"I hate you!" Tessa yelled.

Rose smiled. "Like loving me would help me in anyway." She replied. "Finally, you're out of the way."

"Get her out of my sight!" Dalton ordered as Tessa was dragged away by the guards.

I'm sorry Amelia. I can't help you. Tessa thought as she allowed herself to be dragged away.