Twenty Five

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Twenty Five

Carlos regained his consciousness but still he couldn't see anything, all he could see was darkness but he could hear some voices.

"Looks like he's awake." Dalton said as he gestured Link to loose the blindfold and Carlos could feel someone touch his face, the blindfold was removed and his visions became blurry, it took some time before he could see properly.

"Did you sleep well?" Rose asked coming closer to him removing the handkerchief from his mouth.

Carlos glared at her as he looked up at Dalton who was also looking at him. "Bring him to me!" Dalton commanded and Link carried Carlos before Dalton.

"I'm pretty sure you might be wondering why you're here." Dalton said. Carlos stood still with his hands tied behind his back, he decided to just pay attention to whatever he's saying. "I need you to create something for me." Dalton said placing his hands on Carlos' shoulder.

"Create something?" Carlos asked. "What do you think I am?"

"The right person for this job." Dalton told him. "Build this for me and you'll get to go home safe to your group."

Carlos laughed. "And you expect me to believe that? How old do you think I am? 5??"

"Since you know, what do you say?" Dalton asked.

"How about No?" Carlos asked

Rose came closer to him touching him. "I think you should think about this carefully." Rose said as her hand stroke his chest. Carlos was irritated that he bit her hand off his chest.

"I don't care what the hell you want me to create, all I know is I ain't doing this." Carlos said as Rose slapped his face.

Carlos touched his cheek as he looked at Rose. "And what was that for?" He asked not believing he just got slapped by a ghost.

"That should have reset your back to the question, will you create it for us?" Rose asked folding her arms and waiting for Carlos' reply.

"Did I have water in my mouth when I said it?" Carlos asked folding his arms too. "I'm not inte..." Before he could finish his sentence, Rose raised her hand and was about slapping him but Carlos caught her hand and glared at her.

"I know my face is irresistibly handsome but you can stop touching it now." Carlos threw her hand away as Rose was pulled back by Dalton.

"Enough!" Dalton ordered as Carlos stood staring at Dalton awaiting his judgement.

"You're going to create it whether you want to or not."

"And who's going to make me?" Carlos asked. "You?" He asked pointing at Dalton. "Or you?" He pointed at Rose who was sending her daggers with her eyes. If looks could kill, Carlos knows he would have been underground by now.

"You're daring me!" Dalton yelled as he appeared behind Carlos strangling his neck. Carlos coughed and his face was almost turning red. "Now will you?"

Carlos was released as he bent to catch his breath. He looked up at Dalton and said, "No."

"Lock him up and don't give him any food. That should bring him to his senses." Dalton said as Carlos was dragged away.


Amelia was sitting on the bench outside staring at the stars when she felt someone touch her shoulders. She turned only for her to see Xen, his presence made her really jumpy that she didn't even know when she stood up.

"Are you that scared of me?" Xen asked as he sat down. He patted at the space next to him. "Sit!" He said as he folded his arms staring at the sky too.

Amelia has never felt this way before, she couldn't tell if it was fear or something else or maybe it's just a weird feeling because he was just talking to her for the first time. Amelia thought as she sat down quietly.

"The stars looks beautiful tonight." Xen said.

The sound of his voice was deep but at the same time soft. It had this comforting tone that somehow sends shiver down her spine, Amelia couldn't help but stare at him studying his features. His green eyes, his pointed nose, his V-shaped lips so pink and moist. She was still studying his features that she didn't even know when he looked at her.

"Am I that handsome?" Xen asked as Amelia coughed making Xen smile.

Dimples?? Amelia thought to herself as she noticed the deep tiny hole on his cheek.

"Still checking me out?" He asked making Amelia stand up abruptly.

"Um...I think I just heard Clarissa call me..." She said as she got ready to leave. Xen held her hand pulling her back to her seat.

"Just sit!" He said folding his arms back. "Let's just enjoy this moment." He told her as they both sat down in silence staring at the stars.

Devon stood behind them watching as he stared at them with jealousy.

"What are you doing out here? I was looking for you." Clarissa said as Devon left her.

Clarissa stood there stunned as she peeked to see what he was looking at and there she saw Xen and Amelia sitting together. She looked at the direction Devon went then back at Xen and Amelia. "I hope it's not what I'm thinking." She said as she went inside leaving Xen and Amelia alone.