Thirty Six

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Thirty Six

They froze as their eyes met those of Carlos and Tessa. "What's going on here?" Tamara asked. "And don't tell me it's who i think it is." She said pointing at Carlos.

"Yes's me." Carlos said walking towards them.

"He talks and walks??" Tamara asked hiding behind Jason.

Carlos smiled as he continue walking towards them. "It's really me. If I am a ghost, Tamara..." He points to her. "..You won't be able to see me and so will Jason because you guys aren't wearing my Ghost-revealing-glasses." He stopped in front of them. "If you don't believe me, you can feel me." He stretched out his hands as the four of them slowly went closer to him to feel him and when they felt he was real, they pulled him close and hugged him sucking the life out of him.

"Um...guys...iamchoking..." He tried to find his words. When his friends finally let him go, he coughed as they all laughed.

"Sorry about that. It's so good to see you again." Norman said.

"It's good to be back." Carlos said. Tamara tucked her arms around Carlos' hand walking him to the sofa as they all sat to listen to his story.

Carlos explained how and why he created the equipment and how Riele is Rose and what happened to the real Riele. He also talked about how he killed one of the ghost in charge of him. "What about Chloe?" Clarissa asked.

"I was just getting there." Carlos said as he began.


He waited for a while and when he heard a knock at the door he knew Chloe was suspecting so he opened the door as he whispered to Chloe. "He needs you here." Carlos told her as Chloe moved nearer to the door.

"Zinc, are you in there?" She asked but there was no reply from Zinc. Chloe gave Carlos a weird look which he shrugged to. Chloe walked inside slowly immediately she turned her back to Carlos, he grabbed her by the mouth and shove the knife to her side as the ghost dissolved.

He was glad when he peeped and he saw that Link was really engross in what he is doing and Dalton wasn't back here. He ran to the room where Tessa is in and opened the door. Tessa was about to speak when he signaled her not to. He showed her the key he made and he worked his magic on the chains. The key didn't seem to work with the chains.

"Where is everyone?" They heard Dalton's voice walking towards their direction. Carlos continued to twist and turn the key on the chains, his hands where shaking because he knew what would happen if Dalton catches him and now that Link has an idea of how the Transformation equipment works, Dalton would kill him.

Dalton's voice kept getting audible with each step he took but that didn't stop Carlos from trying his best. "I don't think we can get of here." Tessa whispered to him.

Carlos ignored her as he continued with the locks. "And who do we have here?" Dalton appeared in front of them clapping his hands.

"If i tell you now, i need you to touch me and disappear." Carlos whispered to her as Tessa looked at him not getting his point.

"I knew you couldn't be trusted." Dalton said walking closer to them. He was a feet away from them when the chains unlocked.

Carlos looked at Tessa and screamed, "Now!". Dalton didn't understand but when Tessa touched Carlos and they disappeared with the chains falling to the ground he later found out what the now meant.


"That was how we got here." Carlos said.

"Why didn't you guys disappear straight into the house?" Amelia asked.

"Tessa was weak. She did a good job getting us at your door post." Carlos looked at Tessa. "She is one hell of a strong ghost." Tessa smiled. "Why are you guys here?" Carlos asked the four friends that recently joined in.

Tamara sighed. "It's Xen and his girlfriend." She said. "He has changed a lot ever since this Riele Rose girl came into the picture."

Carlos smiled. "Have you ever been in love before like deeply in love?" He asked Tamara.

"No but if this is how love can make someone stupid, i will pass." Tamara said.

"Love is unpredictable sunshine." Carlos said. "I am sure very soon, he will realize his girlfriend isn't his girlfriend."

Amelia turned to them. "What happened? Did he request you guys to do anything?" She asked them and this time it was Devon that answered.

"He told us to take away every ghost weapons that Carlos created." Devon said.

"What?" Carlos, Clarissa and Amelia chorused in shock.