Thirty Seven

Story Title: Ghost hunters

Chapter Thirty Seven

"What?" Everyone chorused in shock.

"Is he out of his mind?" Amelia asked.

"Out of his mind in love with Riele I suppose." Tamara said sarcastically.

"We agreed not to save Carlos because he said it was a risky thing to do and that we needed more ghostseers to help out, we totally get that part but getting rid of the weapons?" Jason said shaking his head. "It was quite too much."

"Did he tell you why?" Carlos asked trying to suppress the hurt he was feeling inside.

"Said the weapons are really dangerous and they shouldn't be kept in the hideout. Amelia's mom did help talk to him we don't know if he has agreed or not. We got angry and left because he wasn't being reasonable at all." Norman said.

Carlos stood up as he thought about it. "I think Rose is doing something to him. The Xen I know wouldn't be stupid enough to agree to something like that." He turned to face everyone. "We need to do something and fast or we might end up losing him."

"I think you guys should take your time and think about this. Dealing with someone like Rose is going to need two or more heads working together. Rose can be very manipulative and deceitful." Tessa explained as they all nodded.

Amelia stood up. "Anyone got any idea." She looked around as everyone went into thinking mode.


Riele was having her normal call with Dalton updating him about the situation on ground. "That's good." Dalton told her with a frown on his face. "But we have a situation."

Rose looked confused. "What situation are you talking about." She asked.

Dalton showed her the room Tessa was in and the chains on the ground. "Where is Tessa?" Rose asked after she scanned the room and couldn't see her.

"She and Carlos got out." Said Dalton turning his focus back on Rose.

"What?" Rose asked. "But how? I thought Link was in charge of them."

Carlos tricked him but we know how to use the transformation now. All you need to do is to convince Xen that now is the right time to save Carlos. I will make more bodies while you get the other ghosts in your care prepared since they are our ghosts. Make sure each and everyone of them is prepared."

"There is a problem." Rose said.

"Which is?"

"Amelia's mother is in the way. She talks him out of most things I tell him. I am sure if I tell Xen that we should go on the rescue mission, If she finds out she will try to stop him. She is becoming a thorn in my flesh." Rose complained bitterly.

"Well, you know what to do." Dalton told as she nodded. "The moment we have Xen in our grasp, I know we will have other ghosthunters."

"Alright Dalton." Rose ended the call as she got ready to leave.

Xen had been listening to the conversation. He was actually going to spend time with her when he couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation. The moment Riele ended the call and was about leaving, Xen found a place to hide himself and when Riele left, he came out of his hiding place. He felt stupid all of a sudden. "What the hell am I going to do now?" He asked himself. Everyone had left him because he allowed his emotions cloud his judgement. How was he going to sort things out? He remembered the part where Carlos and Tessa escaped. "There is only one place they can be." He said to himself as he grabbed his coat and left without anyone knowing.


Dalton was very angry with Link for being careless, thoughtless and above it all, stupid. "How can you let such a thing happen?" He came closer to Link pulling by his neck.

"I am sorry will never happen again." Link apologized but Dalton was too heartless to get won over by an apology.

"It will never happen again because there won't be a next time." Dalton was about killing Link when one of the ghost came to his rescue.

"Permission to speak?" The ghost in her latest fifties asked.

"What is it Roma?" Dalton asked in anger.

"We need him..he is the only one who knows how the transformator works, killing him is a bad timing." Roma answered with her knees to the ground. "Please, Link has been your faithful servant... please!" She pleaded.

Dalton looked at Link and threw him to the ground. "Show me." He commanded. Link quickly got up and showed him how the transformator works. Dalton was impressed and because of that he forgave him. As Link was working on the transformator, he remembered something that Carlos told him while teaching him.


"The transformator is very powerful. It can work on any dead body depending on how long the person has been dead for. If the person died recently, the body will be perfect and last a long period of time when it has undergone the transformation process but if the person died years ago, the body won't be able to last even if there's a ghost in the body." Carlos explained.


"Permission to speak." Link said. Dalton nodded and gave him the go ahead to speak. "I heard from some ghosts that one of the ghost hunter's mother died a year ago. If we can get her body before it starts decaying, she might be of use to us." Link said.

Dalton placed his hand on his chin thinking of it. "A year ago?" Link nodded. "Can we still use her?" He asked.

Link nodded. "Carlos told me while he was explaining things to me that the transformator is very powerful. It can work on any dead body depending on how long the person has been dead for. If the person died recently, the body will be perfect and last a long period of time when it has undergone the transformation process but if the person died years ago, the body won't be able to last even if there's a ghost in the body."

Dalton nodded to the suggestion. "Find out who she is and bring the body to me. I am sure her ghost has left her body already and is perhaps roaming about somewhere."

Link nodded as be bowed his head. He took some ghosts along with him to look for the body.