
Cassandra had died.

The only reason that she knows that she had died, is because she is now a newborn baby staring at the giant face of some old man with a grey beard, kind blue eyes and wearing some old armor that reminds her of a Spartan General. The last thing that Cassandra remembers is that she was driving home from school after graduating Grad School, after that nothing. Cassandra supposed she had been killed in a car crash, but that doesn't explain why she is now a baby.

The newborn stubbornly denies the obvious, reincarnation and looks around the room curiously as she listens to the giant introduce himself as her Grand Pater Leonidas. Seeing the face of a beautiful Mediterranean woman laying in bed covered in sweat and surrounded by fussing woman, she supposes this is her new mother. Giving the woman an automatic smile, she gurgles happily as she is passed to her new mother. The newborn may have the mind of a twenty-five-year-old woman, but currently her baby instincts are controlling her now, allowing her to process her new reality.

"Kassándra, polemístria mou," the woman gently cooed to her as she cradled her smiling daughter to her breast to feed. Even as the adult part of her mind recoiled at the idea of being breastfed, she immediately suckled her mother's breast for milk anyway. As she drank, she idly noticed that her new mother didn't speak English, but thanks to her knowledge of Ancient and Modern Greece, she understood to be Greek. The adult part of her brain carefully tucked this information away into her brain to be examined later, feeling relieved for her photographic memory. As she listened to her new mother talk to her grandfather, she noticed her name being mentioned multiple times, Kassandra. Apparently, she is lucky enough to be blessed with the name from her previous life as well. That would make responding to her name easier, Kassandra thought sleepily as she blinked her heavy eyes. The last thing she heard would have alarmed and confused her if she weren't so tired.

"Kalinýchta imítheá mou, mikrí mou kóri tou Día."