Chapter 1: Childhood

As Kassandra grew older, her knowledge from her previous life came in handy. Due to being an old soul, as her mother often affectionately called her, she learned things quickly. In modern times she would be hailed as a genius and a child prodigy, but as a Spartan in Ancient Greece, she was dubbed as blessed by the Gods. By the time she was ten years old, she was fluent in the language and culture of her home and was a little scholar due to her always learning. If you couldn't find Kassandra in the training pits with her fellow child warriors, she would be training with her father Nikolaus. If she wasn't training with them, then she was training with her mother. While Kassandra enjoyed fighting, she didn't neglect her other studies either.

When Kassandra wasn't training to become a warrior, she was either at the temple of Asclepius learning about healing herself and others or she was in the library or with other scholars, reading scrolls, tablets and debating with anyone who would indulge her. Something which would have her fellow Spartans tease her for acting like an Athenian, either in jest or distain. That didn't bother her however, due to her Photographic memory, she never forgot whatever she learned, she even remembered her past life, though she couldn't remember anything personal.

Kassandra remembered all that she learned in College, she remembered what she learned in the Marines, she even remembered how to pleasure a woman as she has always preferred the fairer sex and doesn't see that changing in this life. But she doesn't remember her mother or father's faces or names, she knows that she had them and a baby brother but that was it. Luckily for her, this made bonding with her new family easier and when her baby brother Alexios was born, she already knew how to handle being a big sister. Everything about her new life was different than her modern life from before, but she wouldn't change it for anything. Sure, it was different, but she loved her Mater and Pater and her baby brother Alexios with everything in her tiny ten-year-old body. Then everything went to Hades.

It was the night of the Summer Solstice, thunder was echoing about the valley, lightning strikes the ground every other five minutes. It seemed Zeus was angry. Atop Mount Taygetos, stood the Ephors and a priest of Hades who was cradling her baby brother Alexios. A crowd gathered around. As the priest spoke of her baby brother's future, the priests guards held Kassandra and her mother back from going to her brother as her father stood apart from his family. Sad eyes torn between watching his wife and daughter and the priest holding his son.

"Aftó to Paidí tha férei tin ptósi tis Spártis! Aftó eínai to peproméno aftoú! Oi Theoí échoun apofasísei tin ptósi tis Spártis an zísei aftó to agóri. Gia to méllon tis agapiménis mas Spártis, oi Theoí zítisan ti thysía aftoú tou paidioú gia na sothoún oi polloí!"

Kassandra stood in shock as she listened to the crowed bay for the infant blood of her brother, it seemed like white noise to her. A distant part of her noted that her mother was screaming and crying for her father to do something, but all that Kassandra could focus on was her baby brother who was screaming in fright. When she noticed that the priest was walking toward the edge of the mountain cliff and his intentions to fling the baby off of said cliff, she moved. Swiftly biting the hand of the guard that restrained her and stomping on his instep, the guard caught off guard let her go and she charged toward the priest. Deftly dodging the hands that moved to restrain her, she was so focused on the priest that she didn't notice the rock in her path and tripped knocking into the priest which due to the speed she was running, the moment pushed the priest who still held her brother off of the cliff killing both her brother and the priest of Hades.

Stumbling to a stop at the cliff's edge, she stared in shock as she processed what she had done. I killed them, I killed my baby brother, little Alexios! Kassandra hysterically thought , her breathing choking in panic as she had a panic attack. Numbly, she heard the crowd call for her death, decrying her to be a kin slayer for murdering her brother, even on accident. Like through a fog, she heard her mother yelling at her father not to do it, please Niklaus. Confused she numbly turned to her father, whose blank empty eyes stared into her own shocked ones.

"Pater?" Kassandra managed to question, she hadn't noticed him approaching her, too shocked to pay attention to her surroundings. But she did notice him once he put a hand on her shoulder that was both comforting and restraining, ignoring the growing red flags and fear she felt at his presence and the danger she felt coming from her father, she hugged him tightly. Shaking in fear and tears as she sought the comfort of her father after what she had done.

Niklaus flinched as he held his daughter, still blankly staring at down the mountain where he watched his daughter kill his son. Niklaus knew she didn't mean to, he knew it was an accident, but a small part of him couldn't help but to blame her. It was this blame and anger, that he used to allow him to fulfill his duty to Sparta and ignore his wife's cries. Allowing himself one last hug with his still remaining child, he held her one last time as he allowed a tear to fall, before he picked her up by her right arm and ignored her shocked and betrayed "Pater?" and flung her from the same cliff that his son was flung from not five minutes ago.

The last thing that Kassandra saw as she barreled to the ground was her father's blank eyes and tear-stained face before her world went black.