Chapter 3: The Road to Sami

No matter how many times Kassandra traveled the roads from her home to Sami, she can never get over just how beautiful her surroundings are. Compared to her previous modern life, the wild nature is positively bright and teeming with life. There was no smog from the air pollution plaguing the air due to excessive machinery, there were no wrappers, cans or bottles littering the floor. It was still so bizarre to her, and she has been living in Kephallonia for eighteen years now. Kassandra let out a breath as a smile tugged on her lips as she inhaled the fresh air of mother nature, feeling utterly content. Hoisting her pack on her back, she once marveled at the differences of her life from before and now.

Kassandra frowned as she thought about the revelations she discovered before her departure. If she was, as she suspected now living the life of the main protagonist of the Assassins Creed Odyssey videogame, she was in for a long journey. The differences that she had spotted so far are minimal, at least the ones she realized in the last hour or so of her discovery. Kassandra huffed and rolled her eyes at herself at not figuring out everything years ago. "Just how many little Spartan children are flung from a fucking Mountain due to a fucking prophecy?!" Kassandra growled to herself in anger and kicked a rock into her path into the bushes on the sound of the road.

A yelp broke through her anger, and she paused. Keeping still, she turned her hearing towards the bushes that the yelp came from and could hear a faint whimpering and growling. Slowly drawing her bow from her back, she gently knocked and arrow slowly as to reduce the noise. Just as slowly she approached the bushes, steps as light as a feather to not provoke the creature, keeping her arrow firmly aimed at the bushes. The closer that she came, the more she recognized the sounds of the creature as the whimpering of a wolf, a pup by the sound of it.

Pausing before the bushes, Kassandra rolled her eyes at herself for being scared of a wolf. Not even an adult wolf either, but a pup. Kassandra was about to walk away, having not taste in killing babies, even animal babies. Besides, she had no need to hunt since she had enough furs to keep her warm for the upcoming winter and had enough meat to last for at least a week before she needed to hunt again. Kassandra preferred to hunt animals who attack her or other humans or older animals that can no longer give birth or sire any children. That way she is not endangering any animals needlessly. Kassandra had not even taken a step when the pup stumbled out of the bushes and looked at her whimpering in distress.

Kassandra closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. She knew, she just knew if she looked at the pup, she would adopt it. She couldn't help it; she has a weakness for cute things. It got Cassandra in trouble in her past life as well and that was one of the traits and weaknesses that had carried over into this life as well. A gentle nudge at her foot and a tiny growl broke her resolve and before she could stop herself, she turned to the pup, opened her eyes and was gone.

The adorable little pup must have been barely a month old; her fur was still short and fuzzy. Kassandra had no idea how, but she could tell just looking at her that the pup was a girl. The pup's fur was a light grey, almost white with hints of red on her muzzle, left ear and her left front and right back paws. The pup had adorable doe like blue-green eyes that seemed to sparkle at her. Kassandra could practically hear the plea to keep her and love her.

Even though there were more than enough reasons to walk away, she just couldn't. With a sigh, she knelt on the ground before the little whining pup, keeping eye contact with her, Kassandra presented her hand before the pup to take in her scent. Being sure to maintain eye contact to declare herself the Alpha Female, she kept her palm flat up and directly in front of her and waited. After a moment of eye contact where the pup just watched her, she slowly approached her palm. Once directly in front of her hand, the pup hesitated for a second before she gently placed her muzzle in Kassandra's palm and her small chest rumbled with a gentle purr in approval of her new Alpha. Giving the adorable pup a small smile, she gently ran her lithe fingers against the soft fuzzy fur of her new companion. Ikaros, who had been carefully watching his human companion greet their new friend, gave an approving caw, and landed on the Kassandra's shoulder, startling the young wolf pup who had released a sudden growl that wouldn't have intimidated a rabbit, much less Ikaros. Gently shushing the pup, she used the hand that wasn't in the pups fur to soothe Ikaros feathers.

After her animal companions got used to sharing their human, Kassandra gazed thoughtfully at the pup who had her eyes closed in bliss and was panting in contentment due to her attentions. Kassandra didn't remember this happening in the game, in fact she knew it didn't. If Kassandra didn't stop for any side quests like the Cave of the Gods around the corner from the path, she was on before Marko's Vineyard, than she would have arrived at the vineyard with no interruptions, especially not for a baby wolf pup who is now her new furry companion.

If it wasn't obvious with the Daughter of Zeus comment from her mother, than this was another sign of just how different from the game her new life is. Rather than being alarmed or scared of this fact, she found herself elated. IF her second chance at life was so predictable to follow a script that her photographic memory would never let her forget, than her new life would be boring. Finding such differences relieved and excited her!

After one last scratch under her chin, Kassandra got up much to the pups displeasure if her little growl was any indication. Giving the pup a chuckle of amusement, she picked the pup up to cuddle with in her arms and sent Ikaros to scout ahead to see how far she had to travel. Unlike the game where Kassandra or Alexios depending on how you played could see through Ikaros's eyes, Kassandra had trained him how to tell her any information she needed. Depending how many caws he gave in little bursts were how many enemies she was facing. A click of his beak once was friendlies, and two clicks were enemies or untrustworthy people. Kassandra had taught Ikaros since he was a chick how to spy for her and over the years, he had surprised her with not only his growing intelligence but how he communicated with her. Sometimes, she could swear that he could understand her, and she could understand him as well. Considering the monsters from Myth she knew she could or would face in her journey and the possibility of actual Gods and Goddesses being real in this new life, she wasn't surprised of the connection she shared with her feathered friend.

It didn't take Ikaros long to return, giving one click for Markos and lifting his left wing towards the road, he gave Kassandra three quick caws and a short screech for thirty feet. Giving Ikaros a scratch underneath his chin as thanks, she smiled as he flew ahead to guide her to her destination. Smiling at the pup who had tilted his head adorably in confusion and howled after Ikaros, she chuckled and adjusted her bow on her back into a more comfortable position as it had started digging into her back, grabbing her bag, which she had left on the ground beside her as she pet her animal companions, she hefted it on her back and continued on her way. "Come on Luna, we are almost there and then I will give you some food and water." Judging by the little yip in excitement, the pup clearly approved of her new name and their plans.

As they walked on the road towards Sami where Marko's Vineyard in on their way, she saw the Statue of Zeus on top of Mount Ainos. No matter how many times Kassandra has seen it or even climbed it, it never fails to take her breath away. Once more she is astounded to see such art and architecture that in her first life was never seen it's like again was amazing. It just makes Kassandra appreciate her second chance at life that much more.

In what seemed like no time, they came upon Marko's Vineyard. The chatter and laughter of the workers filled the air as she plucked grapes, cut wheat, and carried jugs of water or freshly made wine to be transferred into bottles. No matter how grueling the work or how tedious, they still found the time to enjoy themselves, which is something that Kassandra has always envied them. It was hard for her in both lives to be able to work with on something with a smile on her face. That is not to say that she never found joy in her work or liked her jobs but separating her profession mask from her true self was always difficult for her. Kassandra only hopes to learn to enjoy her job as a Misthios with a smile on her face like these farmers do.

Giving everyone, she sees a small smile and a nod in hello, Luna even allowed some kids to pet her on their way to the top of the Vineyard where Markos waited for her in his new house. Kassandra could see just how new it was considering there are hardly any scuff marks, chipped stone, or scratches upon the house. Rolling her eyes at her semi-Uncles expensive taste, she shared a look with her wolf pup who had a hilariously exhausted look upon his face for a pup. She finally approached Markos; she had a feeling that she will need one of the wine jugs one of the employees were carrying during this conversation.

With a sigh she approached Markos and took another step closer to the beginning of her Odyssey.