Chapter 4: Markos and Saving Phoebe!

As Kassandra approached Markos, she heard the tail end of their conversation and had to force herself not to roll her eyes. It was just as ridiculous as she remembered.

"You have to forget about what you know about the past my friend, the past is-" Kassandra tuned them out as she looked around her, idly scratching under Luna's chin, much to her approval. Seeing the man Markos was talking to leave in a huff, Kassandra intercepted Markos before his attention was taken elsewhere.

"I see you are making a new best friend! I'm hurt Markos! Am I not enough for you?" Kassandra mocked him; a playful smile tugged at her lips as she faked being hurt. Giving a chuckle at the girl's antics, Markos cheerfully greeted her and pulled her into a hug.

"Ah! Kassandra! My friend and who is this cutie?" Markos scratched under the happy wolf pups snout, as Kassandra introduced them. After a bit of small talk, she brought the conversation back to the vineyard. Not only did she do this to hurry the storyline, but she was seriously unimpressed with him at the moment. Kassandra may have only remembered that her life she had been living for 24 years was a game, but she still would have given him shit about the vineyard anyway considering that Markos owes her around five thousand drachma. So, with that said.

"Why the Hades did you buy a Vineyard?! A Vineyard Markos?! Really you bought a Vineyard. And with what money?" Kassandra frowned as she dropped the squirming pup to the ground, who promptly ran off with a small growl to play with the children. Crossing her arms, she raised an unimpressed eyebrow as Markos sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck grimacing at Kassandra's look.

"Why not? I like wine, you like wine. Everybody likes wine. Everybody buys wine! Why not from me?" Markos waved his hand towards some of the finished caskets of wine in the barrels nearby and the jug on the table behind him. Giving Markos a disgruntled look, as she can't really argue with that, she sighed. Still determined to win their little verbal spar she answered him as she walked to the table behind him to grab the jug of wine. "Because you don't know how to grow grapes or make wine?" she snarked as she poured herself a glass and gave the wine a delicate sniff. Rearing back at the potent stench of alcohol, she glared at Markos as he chuckled at her reaction. Grumbling about stupid con men uncles he ignored his gawk of offence and took a tentative sip and found herself surprised. It was actually good, she could taste the alcohol in it but the grape and from what else she could taste, strawberries seem to distill it enough for her to not be repulsed and enjoy it. It wasn't bad, giving Markos a small smile and a nod in approval, Markos let out a breath of relief.

Markos knew Kassandra well enough to know she didn't approve of this new venture, especially since he owes her so much drachma. But Markos hopes the vineyard would allow him to pay off all of his debts, especially to Kassandra whom he new owes more than anyone else. Especially, his life and sanity, not that Kassandra would ever hold that over him, but for all of his shady schemes he does love his little family and Kassandra and Phoebe are his family.

Going back to the topic they were speaking of and away form his woolgathering, Markos answered Kassandra's snarky retort. "I'm a fast learner! You grow grapes on the vine, then you get some wine!" Markos answered proudly at his wine making knowledge. Seeing Markos pleased grin and the proud gleam in his eyes, Kassandra decided to keep her laughter inside and just chugged the rest of her wine to keep herself form laughing or informing him how wine is actually made. Let the man keep his pride, she mused to herself. Wiping her mouth with a cloth nearby on the table, she leaned against the table and face Markos, crossing her arms, she huffed "It's that simple, is it?"

Markos huffed at her seeming lack of faith in him and waved the air dismissively at her and answered in a tone of offence and pride. "You know me better than to think I don't have a plan. Markos always has a plan!"

Which is true, Markos does indeed always have a plan, it is just the execution of his plans that are the problem. No matter how simple or straightforward, it always goes sideways. For example, when Kassandra was fifteen, Markos had this plan to gather some herbs from the cave of Kephaloos and sell them to the village healer, if there was riches to be found all of the better. Apparently, the herbs found in the cave were blessed, so he sent Kassandra. What ended up being a simple herb collecting mission found Kassandra set upon by the wolves and bandits who made a home in the caves and though she ended up retrieving the herbs and treasure, with extra loot from the bandits and pelt from the wolves, she gained new scars, a broken arm and needed to rest for a week once the healer set her eyes on her. To say Kassandra was unimpressed was an understatement and she vowed to make Markos pay for that stunt, which he did much to his chagrin. Seeming to have thought of the same thing as Kassandra, he gave a sheepish grin and rubbed his neck in embarrassment. Rolling her eyes at the sheepish man, she decided to change the subject to further this along and to move on from thinking of his previous 'plans.'

"Alright, well do you have the money you owe me?" Kassandra was hoping this would be a divergent from the game because she liked Doris and refused to bully him like her game counterpart did. Besides she wouldn't mind owning this vineyard, considering that Markos owes her five thousand drachma, she could claim this vineyard as her own to clear the debt.

"Do I have the money I owe you? Of course. Well, no. Not at the moment."

Growing frustrated at him she prowled closer to him and growled at him, "Then. Get. It."

Scared, Markos backed up a step and raised his hands in surrender, he knew that no matter how fond of him she was, it would not save him from her if he didn't pay her what he owed. Kassandra was very fond of the saying she a person should always pay their debts and none took that more seriously than Kassandra.

"Instantly, my friend, instantly. But- eh- maybe you should do that. There is a merchant in Sami-."

Kassandra sighed and groaned in dismay, "Let me guess-" Kassandra complained as Markos seeming oblivious to Kassandra's dismay continued.

"I'm not very good at these things as you know." Kassandra groaned and cursed as she exasperatedly asked at the stupid man in front of her with a look of disbelief on her face.

"You want me to collect my own debt?"

"It's just waiting for you in Sami, my friend." Markos consoled as he ignored the disbelief, really Kassandra should know him better by now that if he could get anyone to do everything for him, he would. If there was an opportunity to be had he would take it, in any form. So really, she shouldn't be surprised he found an opportunity to make her do his work for him in clearing his debt. Seeming to remember this fact, she groaned as she resigned herself to the task.

"Who is this merchant?" Having an idea of who it was already and still as unimpressed as she was when she played the game. Sure enough...

"Duris. You know Doris he is very nice." Having this confirmed, she sighed and decided to start some changes. Glancing around the vineyard, she saw how many workers, plants, and acres of land there was and nodded. Turning to Markos smiling expected face, she told him.

"Duris! How stupid can you get?! Stop giving him money!"

"He always pays me back." Markos defended as he knew she was right but too stubborn to admit it.

"After I threaten him." Kassandra admitted. It was true she usually had to threaten him, but not with violence. Apparently, Duris had a child with another woman while he was married to his wife. The mother of his bastard child is his secret mistress and the only people who knew about this was Kassandra who had caught them and the Duris. Duris's wife had no idea about this, and it was this blackmail that Kassandra threatened him with. Duris knew Kassandra never made an empty threat in her life, so if she said she would tell his wife about the affair if he didn't pay her, she would.

"Exactly-" Markos crowed in agreement as he waved his hand in excitement. "Everybody benefits. Duris gets his money. I get my interest- and you have work. Kepholonia is wonderful is it not?"

"He'd better have my money Markos."

"Of course, he will. Oh, and after there's another matter, I want to discuss with you, after.

"Fine, will go to Duris and collect my money, but I will also be claiming this Vineyard and taking a horse. It is too hot and too long a walk to go on foot."

The smile slipped from his face as he registered what she had just said. Outraged, Markos opened his mouth to object, but caught the dangerous look in Kassandra's eye. For all of her fondness for him and him her, she was still a dangerous woman. This woman was a mercenary and no matter how unusual a mercenary she was, it did not make her any less dangerous. This seemed like a fair trade considering how expensive the vineyard was, it would cover the debt he owed her combined with the money Duris owes him the debt would be cleared.

Giving a frustrated growl, Markos scowled at her as he tightly nodded his head in agreement. Giving the forever scheming man a pointed look, he gave a muted scream in frustration as he stormed inside the house for the deed to the vineyard to sign away to Kassandra leaving her outside.

Once alone, Kassandra sighed in exhaustion. The day wasn't even fully over, and she was about done with everyone and everything. It was mentally draining having this talk with Markos, especially this change but she won't change her mind. Considering that she would be leaving soon, she will need the funds for her campaign across the sea and this vineyard will help. Kassandra plans on having Phoebe stay at her house and handle the operations here. It will prevent Phoebe from leaving Kephallonia to follow her and result in her death. With a purpose here, if Kassandra can make it seem like doing this will not only help Kassandra but give her a purpose beyond staying for her safety, it would be one more major change and one less death on Kassandra's conscious. Markos stomping footsteps broke Kassandra from her thoughts as papers were thrusted at her by a still grumpy Markos. Giving the papers a once over, she decided to look them over later, all she cared about was the transfer of ownership was signed to her and once she determined that, she grabbed the pen from him and signed her name on the paper. With that she was officially the owner of this Vineyard and Markos debt was cleared, well once she had her money from Duris.

"We can discuss the future of this vineyard later Markos. For now, let me see the horses, so that I may collect the rest of my debt from Duris. Once I have the drachma from him you are officially free of the debt you owe me."

With that said, they walked to the stables where there were three beautiful horses for her to choose from. One white horse, one gray horse and one black horse. Of course, Kassandra didn't need to think about it long before she chose the black Macedonian horse as her new companion. Kassandra took one look at the black horse and felt a connection not dissimilar to her instant connection to Ikaros and Luna. Ignoring Markos yammering and confirming her choice of horse, she nodded to a nearby stable hand to saddle up her new horse and walked away with Markos while her new horse Phobos was being prepared for her.

As she waited, Luna came scrambling over to her and gave an exited yip at the sight of her human. Seeing the tired but happy pup, she determined that the pup was too young to join her on her adventures, though she was happy she saved her and felt a connection to Luna, she couldn't see a way for Luna to join her without getting hurt or killed. So, with her thoughts of Phoebe staying behind to funnel her drachma for her adventures and keep safe, she had the idea to assign Luna to Phoebe. As a protector and companion while Kassandra was gone. With that thought in mind, she crouched down to the pup and scratched under Luna's chin as she ordered her pup to remain here while she was gone. It seemed that like Ikaros, Luna was intelligent enough to understand her, giving a huff of disapproval, the pup wandered to the barn to nap and wait for her human. Satisfied that the pup would be safe until Phoebe was returned, she turned to her horse when the stable hand passed her the reigns. No sooner did she receive her saddle horse when a distraught woman came barreling toward them in distress.

Markos seeing the woman exclaimed in what could be seen as excitement to see the woman, if Kassandra didn't note the tension in his shoulders, and the tightness in the corners of his eyes. It seemed Markos was still pissed about the Vineyard... oh well.

"Ah, Euterpe! There's plenty of wine left to buy. Don't fret."

Waving the bumbling fool off in her distress, Euterpe turned towards the only person who mattered at the moment. Kassandra. Euterpe knew that out of the two of them, Kassandra was the person you would want to deal with as she was fair without being a pushover. Euterpe knew this firsthand, as she enlisted her services to find her husband once when she hadn't seen him for three days. Euterpe was worried and hired Kassandra to find him when he went hunting and hadn't returned in three days. It didn't matter to her if all she received was his body, she just wanted her husband home. It turned out that he was stuck in a wolves den and barricaded himself behind a stone wall to protect him from the wolves, he was injured, but Kassandra killed the wolves and saved him in time before infection could set in. Returning with not only her injured husband, but a bunch of wolf pelts in tow, the woman was beyond grateful. Seeing as they needed what coin they had for a healer to treat his wounds, Kassandra told her that when her husband was well, they could repay her by her husband teaching her carpentry. That was all she asked for in repayment. So, with that in mind, Euterpe vowed to keep an eye on Phoebe for Kassandra to repay her in her own way, seeing as her husband already repaid her. So, Euterpe knew that Kassandra would want and need to hear her news on Kassandra's wayward ward.

"Not now you fool! Phoebe's been taken."

Seeing the rage and panic in the warriors eyes, Euterpe shivered, she almost pitied those thugs. Almost.

"Taken!? By whom?" Kassandra growled, worry and rage blinding her as she stalked toward the shaken woman. Kassandra knew that this would happen, but it didn't stop the panic and worry for the girl she considers her sister and her daughter.

"Thugs of the Cyclops. Who else?" Euterpe frowned and rolled her eyes at the thought of the Cyclops and his thugs. Everyone on the island knew that if something bad happened and thugs were involved, it was the Cyclops fault. Seeing Kassandra's snarl with rage at the thought of Phoebe being in the hands of those thugs due to that monster, the woman continued her report. "Snatched her right off the main road."

"Tell me where they went!" Kassandra shouted, almost shaking in rage as she crowded the shaken woman. Too blind in her rage to realize how frightening she is to the woman. The poor farmer shook and stuttered her answered raising a shaking hand to the left of the mountain behind her she stuttered "I-In t-the direction of Kitmene Beach."

"The beach? Can she swim?" Markos voiced his concern as he looked at Kassandra with worry. Markos may not be happy with Kassandra at the moment. But he still cared for her, and he adored Phoebe. The little girl was like having a younger Kassandra around again and Markos knew how much the girl meant to Kassandra. Waving off Markos concern she told them she would get her. Markos let out a breath of relief. If anyone could save the girl, it would be Kassandra.

"Yes go! But don't forget about dear Duris, Kassandra!" Nodding to them both, she flung herself onto Phobos and rode off, hoping she got to Phoebe quickly before anything happened to her. Kassandra was just glad that she had taught Phoebe to swim and had taught her the basics for self-defense. Although now she was kicking herself for not pushing the training, otherwise this might not have happened. Then again, this happened in the game too and while she won't use the game as a road map to how to live this life, the similarities cannot be ignored just like the differences must be noted.

Shaking her head of her thoughts and worries, she spurred Phobos on and out of the vineyard towards the beach, sprinting past the Cave of the Gods and dodging the people and goats on the dirt road in her path. It didn't take her long with the speed of her horse spurring her on before she arrived on the beach. Once there she flung herself from the horse and crouched into the high grass to observe the area and see what she should expect from her enemies.

Seeing that there was four guards and two of them were intimidating Phoebe, she slowly moved closer to them to hear what they were saying, being sure to remain crouched low as she did.

"Lemme go!" Phoebe's distressed voice sounded through the air; Kassandra grit her teeth as she heard the girl's scared voice. Kassandra vowed to make these assholes pay for this.

"Shut it! Or I'll tighten those ropes!" The male thug growled at the girl bound by ropes on the ground. Kassandra found herself relieved that besides being dirty and bound, Phoebe was unharmed. It could have been worse, she could have been tortured or raped, luckily these thugs hadn't touched her beyond binding her. Small mercies. The female thug's smokey voice jarred Kassandra from her worry.

"She'll make good ransom drachmae for the Cyclops."

"No one's going to buy me from you. They're all poor." Phoebe snarked at them in annoyance at the stupidity of these people. Phoebe knew that she shouldn't back talk them while she was at their mercy, but she knew that Kassandra would soon come to save her and that these people would be dead soon enough. Luckily for Phoebe, beyond anger flashing in their eyes, they let that slide with nothing but an annoyed wave of her hand and an eye roll and left her.

"Keep quiet Phoebe," Kassandra muttered in distress. Kassandra was proud of her little warrior for her bravery, but disappointed that she chose to do so when the girl was at their mercy. Kassandra knew some people who would have whipped Phoebe for her insolence if she spoke to them like that. As it was, Phoebe was lucky that it seemed their employer wanted the girl unharmed.

Seeing the guards at a safe distance form Phoebe, she quietly moved through the grass and one by one stabbed her broken spear through them, killing them quickly and quietly. As much as she wants to make them suffer, she didn't want to alarm them and cause them to harm Phoebe. Once all of them were dead, she ran into the shed where a wiggling Phoebe was trying to free herself. Seeing Kassandra walk into the room, Phoebe's face lit up in relief and happiness at seeing the woman she viewed as a mother.

"Kassandra! You're here!" Phoebe's voice was filled with relief and satisfaction showing Kassandra that Phoebe knew that Kassandra would come for her. Letting loose a relieved sigh, she muttered Phoebe's name in relief and untied her. Once untied, Phoebe threw herself into Kassandra's arms. Kassandra hugged the girl tightly in her arms, resting her hear on the top of Phoebe's head and closed her eyes in relief as she savored the feel of having the girl safely in her arms. God's that was fucking terrifying! Kassandra groused to herself.

It was one thing to see this happen on the screen of a TV. But again, Kassandra found that living this is vastly different than seeing it from the safety of the screen. Anything could have gone wrong; anything could have changed and for the millionth time Kassandra reminded herself to not take her previous knowledge of this world and what is to come as gospel. Pressing a kiss to the little girls head, she reluctantly released her and got to her knee to be on the girls level and placer her hand on Phoebe's shoulder, Kassandra found herself reluctant to let the girl go. At least if she was holding Phoebe then the girl was safe.

"Are you okay?" Kassandra softly asked Phoebe in concern as she checked her over for any injuries. Phoebe gave Kassandra a small smile at her Mother-Henning and answered her in what seemed like a proud and happy voice, which would have fooled anyone but Kassandra. Kassandra heard the almost imperceptible waver and fear in her voice but didn't call her on it.

"It wasn't so bad, last time they put a cloth in my mouth so I would stop biting." Phoebe waved a hand to dismiss how bad the situation was, her hand visibly shaking ruined the image though. Shooting the girl another concerned look, she rolled her eyes at the pleading look in the girls eye for her to drop it and go along with her need to look strong at what happened but followed along. Kassandra shook her head at the girl as she couldn't help but voice her concern.

"Phoebe, careful. You're alone now, since-"

"Since my parents died?" Phoebe finished; voice amused as her parents had died years ago but this was always the excuse Kassandra used to explain why she looked after the girl. Kassandra seemed to think that people would see her care for Phoebe as a weakness and use it to exploit her, so she always acted like she was looking out for Phoebe because she was an orphan. Most people accepted that excuse, if only to soothe Kassandra's worries, but everyone on the island knew that was just what it was an excuse. Everyone knew that Kassandra looked after Phoebe because she saw her as her daughter, the only one oblivious was Kassandra herself. But Phoebe didn't feel like opening that can of worms today, she just wanted to go home, so giving Kassandra's should a reassuring squeeze she soothed Kassandra's worries and confirmed to her what everyone already knew.

"I'm OK, I've got you! And you've got me and Markos. We're your family, right?"

Kassandra thought back the last time she had a family. Just her, her mother Myrinne and her Father Nikolaos and baby Alexios. It seemed so long ago that she had a happy family, usually when she thought of her lost family, she felt nothing but sadness and love. Now that she remembered what was to come, she knew there was a chance to see them again and not in the Elysian Fields either. Even though Kassandra knew not to expect her future to follow the same strands of fate as her game counterpart, she had hope that this fact was consistent. Kassandra will see her mother, father, and brother again. For now, she had her family on Kepholonia to attend to. Kassandra remembered a quote from her past life, "family doesn't end in blood." Kassandra knew that as much as Myrinne, Nikolaus, Alexios and possibly the Gods were her family by blood. So too was Markos her chosen Uncle and Phoebe her chosen daughter. Shaking her head of these thoughts, she gave Phoebe a soft smile and gently nodded her head to confirm Phoebe was right. Phoebe gave a bright grin in response to this and bounce on her feet a bit in happiness.

"You worry too much!" Phoebe chirped much to Kassandra's dismay as she realized that Phoebe was treating this like another adventure. The Gods grant me strength, Kassandra silently prayed for patience as she scolded Phoebe for taking this abduction lightly.

"And you don't worry enough!" Kassandra chastised the girl, causing Phoebe to roll her eyes as the girl argued her point.

"We'll be alright if we watch out for each other. Which reminds me! The thugs said you should watch your back." Phoebe stepped around Kassandra to head out of the hut and onto the beach. Seeing this, Kassandra stood up and turned to follow Phoebe, furrowing her brow at the warning as she questioned her.

"What they say?" Phoebe stopped at the opening of the hut and turned to Kassandra, worry plain on her face as she told Kassandra what she had learned.

"They said the Cyclops put a big bounty on you. Talos the Stone-Fist wants you dead."

"Talos the mercenary?" Kassandra asked her as she walked with Phoebe out of the hut. At Phoebe's nod, she sighed in exasperation. "Am I ever not in trouble?" Kassandra cried out in frustration. Phoebe gave Kassandra a sympathetic look before she looked out into the ocean as she advised her so Kassandra wouldn't see the worry in the girls eyes.

"Better get him, before he gets you. I hear he's really mean." Glancing back at Kassandra, Phoebe saw her roll her eyes at her comment with an amused smirk on her face, shaking her head at Phoebe's sass. Phoebe smiled, happy that she could distract Kassandra from her worry. Giving Kassandra another smile in thanks for her help, she told her she would find her way back to town. Before Phoebe could leave however, Kassandra softly grabbed Phoebe by the arm to stop her from leaving. Shooting Kassandra, a confused look, she watched as Kassandra grabbed a scroll from her bag and hand it to her. Seeing the familiar scroll as the deed to the vineyard Phoebe has seen at Markos's desk in his office at his house in his Vineyard, she gave Kassandra a quizzical look.

"I own the vineyard now." Giving Phoebe a pleased smile at a bargain well struck and her owed money from Markos being claimed back with interest with this investment, she continued as Phoebe laughed at the well-played revenge on Markos for trying to swindle his way out of her debt. Kassandra continued. "I need you to take this to my house and hide it under my bed, I'll be back home later tonight as I have some business in Sami. But later, I need to talk to you about your future here in Kephallonia and my plans for the Vineyard. But that is for later, you may stay at my house for today, help yourself to my food and bed and I will see you tonight. Safe travels back home and I will see you later Phoebe." Giving Phoebe one last hug and a kiss to her head she gently pushed her away for the girl to leave. Giving Kassandra one last confused look, she tightened her grip on the deed, determined to guard this document with her life and headed straight for Kassandra's house.

Seeing that Phoebe was gone, she sighed relieved that the girl was safe, for now. Giving the dead mercenary on the ground a frustrated kick, she returned to the hut to loot the place. Finding a bag of 18 silver drachmae, 25 Obol coins and 10 Tetradrachm coins. Feeling pleased with her haul and finding an Athenian Pteruges in the chest after she picked the lock. Kassandra gave the room a final look around and finding nothing else of use, she looted the bodies of anything of use. After only finding some drachmae, coins, crude bandit armor and weapons, she hauled her loot to her horse where she promptly deposited them into her saddle bag. Kassandra figured that while she was in Sami, she will trade her gains for updated gear.

Riding to Sami, Kassandra decided that before she dealt with Markos, Kassandra will deal with Duris and relieve poor Phobos of her gains. It didn't take long to find Duris at the marketplace with his stall across from the blacksmith. After a moment of thought, Kassandra decided to see Duris first, then the blacksmith to sell her loot and see what is in stock for today.

Kassandra decided that rather than killing the poor man or breaking his wares, she will strike up a deal with him. After all, most of her debt is squared away with her ownership of the Vineyard. So, there is no pressing need for money at the money, besides from her looting of bandits, her hunting of animals and her little bank at home, Kassandra has no shortage of money. However, Kassandra will not let a debt go unpaid and despite her sudden wealth, Duris still owes her. Looking at the impressive Pottery and glass wine containers, she came to a decision. After patiently waiting for Duris to complete his business with his customers, she approached him before he found himself with another customer.

Seeing Kassandra, Duris gulped in fear. Duris knew that for all that Kassandra is a nice and fair woman, she knows a secret that could ruin him. Duris would lose his wife and children should Kassandra tell his wife about his bastard son and his mistress. Should that happen, Duris, his bastard and mistress will all be killed, and his property would be granted to his wife. Adultery was a capital crime and by the laws of Greece, his bastard has no citizenship to protect him should he be found out, as the adulterer his life is forfeit and as the woman who knew he was married but still continued the affair, his mistress and the mother of his bastard would be killed as well. So as much as he likes Kassandra, he cannot find himself at ease in her presence. Seeming to know what he was thinking about, Kassandra decided to make her offer fast, as she had no desire to be in this disgrace of a man's presence any longer than she had to.

"Duris," Kassandra nodded her head in greeting, her voice neutral.

"K-Kassandra," Duris stuttered in return, his eyes darting around to be sure no one was listening to their conversation.

"Let's cut straight to the point shall we," Kassandra drawled as her left hand drifted to gently trace the nearest pottery depicting Perseus the son of Zeus holding up Medusa's head before a crowd of figures. The art was beautiful and in the corner of her mind, she found it ironic that the potential daughter of Zeus was standing beside and admiring her long dead potential half-brother's victory. Ignoring Duris's stammering of confusion, she slowly walked around the terrified man like a predator as she softly threatened the man into giving her what she wanted.

"You owe me money," Kassandra stated as if it were a fact, which it was. Seeing Duris's confusion, she told him that he had originally owed Markos money, but seeing as his debt is now hers, it was Kassandra Duris now owed his money to. Seeing the comprehension as well as the worry on his face, she knew the answer to her next question but decided to ask it anyway. Kassandra was polite like that.

"Do you, have it?" Kassandra's voice was gentle, as if she was asking a frightened child for help. But this man was no child, there were no help to be had and Kassandra was not his friend, nor was he hers. This was an act of intimidation, an act that worked if the paling pallor of his skin, the sweat on his brow and the shaking of his head was to go by.

Softly, speaking as if speaking louder would provoke the predator standing before him, he hunched in on himself to make him smaller and less threatening before the predator in a woman's skin before him as he told her he had no money to give her. That he barely had enough for his shop and family(s). Seeing this Kassandra gave a slow nod as she continued to prowl around him as she thought of her plan. Picking up a nearby small vase, she admired the craftsmanship and the art painted on the vase. It was a lovely depiction of a soaring Eagle with a dead snake in its talon. Snorting at the irony of this vase, she saw at the corner of her eye that Duris had tensed up as if he thought she would smash it. Considering that was one of her previous options, she couldn't blame the man for his worries. Deciding to put the man out of his misery, she gently placed the vase down and turned on her heel to face Duris as she told him her proposal.

"I am willing to wave your debt if you do the following things for me. First, you will send your mistress and bastard away from Kephallonia. You will have no contact with them ever again and you will never betray your wife and children like this ever again for as long as you live." Seeing the anger and dismay at her demands, she gave him a warning look that made him think. This was better than them dying and Kassandra telling his wife who would bring this to the guards in Sami who would enforce the laws of Greece and execute him and his second family. Sending them away will hurt, especially having no contact with them ever again, but at least they will live. Giving Kassandra a nod, he didn't delude himself to think that was her only condition and he was right. Seeing that Duris had agreed, Kassandra continued her demands.

"Second, you will work at my vineyard and use your marketing skills to sell my wine in both the market here and abroad. I want you to work with one of my contacts at the docks who will import and export my wine. You will be paid 2 drachmae a day and 14 per week that you work, the money you make are to be spent on your family. You will see to it that 4% of the profits made will go towards expanding your store and you will send me inventory reports on what was sold and for how much. You will use your skill of Pottery to not only make things for your store, but you will make glasses, jugs, caskets, and containers for my vineyard. Should you steal from me I will cut off your hand. Should you cheat me or sell my secrets, I will cut off your tongue and should you do all three I shall take your life. Are we in agreement?" Kassandra coldly informed her new employee (read; slave) about his new position in life.

Seeing as she could have easily had him, his mistress and bastard killed while stealing his money and store from him for herself and it would be perfectly legal, Kassandra thought she was being very generous. With this deal, she gets to save three lives, make more money for her vineyard and cheap labor all the while putting Duris more into her debt than before. Truly, Kassandra's genius is a sight to behold sometimes. With a begrudging agreement from Duris and having a couple of people stand as witness as they signed a contract for their terms, she shook on it and Duris closed his shop for the day to send off his second family.

Kassandra decided to just go and meet Markos now and sell off her junk tomorrow, seeing as it was getting late. Kassandra headed to the temple, deftly dodging people left and right, greeting everyone she knew as she went. It wasn't long before she found herself at the temple where Markus was entertaining a tall brute of a man in crude armor. A thug of the Cyclops no doubt.

"You're running out of time before the Cyclops comes for you Malakka. He wants his money!" The brute growly in a rough growly voice as he leered over the smaller form of Markos. Kassandra silently stalked up being the brute, his size obscuring her from Markos's sight.

"Could I have an extension?" Markos's voice shook and cracked as he hunched over from fear of both the brute and what the Cyclops would do to him if he doesn't have his money. Markos knew he was fucked. Especially, now that he has no vineyard to pay off his debt to the Cyclops. Markos can only hope that Kassandra would help him, and his newest scheme will save him.

"When he sails back to Kephallonia, he'll come and break you as soon as he docks. If you don't get it." The brute growled at Markos in annoyance for the jape.

"Now, let's be civil-" Markos tried to placate as he took a step back and began to raise his hands in surrender, only to be cut off by the thug.

"You can't hide behind your glorious Misthios forever, Markos. He'll kill you, the mercenary, and that little runt girl that hangs around!" The thug wave a disgusted hand at the sniveling man before him, sneering in disgust at Markos. Kassandra growled at the insult, her hand drifting towards her sword in temptation to strike him down right there. But Kassandra had no desire to shed blood anywhere near this temple and she wanted to hear what else they had to say. This conversation was quite interesting.

"Of course! Not a problem! I-I'll get the drachmae!" Markos assured him.

"Good," the thug nodded in satisfaction before he proceeded to scare the shit out of Markos again. "Or I'll come and watch the Cyclops feed you to his goats." With that the thug gave Markos a cruel smile as he turned around and sauntered off. Giving Kassandra a glance and a disdainful sniff as he left. Kassandra rose an eyebrow at his back before she turned to a sweating and scared Markos who had finally noticed her.

"Ah! Kassandra! I-I can tell from the smile on your face, Duris has paid you your drachmae." Indeed, the satisfied smile on her face is one often seen when one of her more ruthless schemes were successful or she had killed a particular foul or annoying person. Rather than confirm her success, Kassandra decided to mention what she had just witnessed and see what Markos had to say about it.

"Who's smiling? I just heard where you got the drachmae for the vineyard. Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Kassandra shouted at him in exasperation.

"We can get the money back! I-I mean c-can't we? I'm sure it's possible." Markos stammered as he allowed Kassandra to see just how worried about this he was. Seeing this, Kassandra sighed as she crossed her arms in thought of how to go about getting the money. While the thought of pulling a canon move of stealing his eye and sticking it up a goats ass is funny, Kassandra would rather just kill the Cyclops instead. But then again, she couldn't just do that either as Barnabas would be captured and in the process of drowning by the Cyclops hand. Even if she sniped him with an arrow to the head, that still left Barnabas in the mercy of the remaining thugs who would no doubt kill him before she could rescue him. So, no matter how she thought of it, she was going to have to shove a fucking glass eye up a fucking goats ass!

Kassandra sighed as she resigned herself to the plan and as she prompted told him they will get the drachmae. What followed was exactly like the game. Markos trying to get Kassandra to do the dirty work on her own by guilting her into thinking she still owed him for saving her as a child and raising her. Kassandra having none of it but listening anyway, Drucilla coming to complain about the bandits interrupting her bowmen business. Kassandra agreeing to kill the bandits in exchange for Drucilla to fix her broken bow and Markos scurrying back to the vineyard.

Just another day in Kephallonia.