A Princess is Born

Two swords clashed,

Marking the beginning of a

deadly war.

The sky blazed with the Purple Light coming from the Princess's sword.

On the other side was a Blue Sword, slashing up brutal jabs swiftly.

The Mists soon clouded the sky.

Half the sky turned pitch black with the mist of the Dark Forces while the other half was filled with all kinds of other mists. The Princess faught the hooded man elegantly as the clouds parted to make way for their battle.

After a few minutes,with a swift sweep, Princess Ananya

sliced the man's heart in half.

Dumbstruck, the man glared at the Princess who retreated to deal with another enemy attack.

With all the energy left in him, he took his last shot.

As he smiled at the thought of killing the mightiest warrior of the land, his dreams were shattered on hearing the name he never thought he would hear.



The Prophecy,

come true.



20 Years ago


The bell ticked its way to Midnight.

The citizens of Maya had gathered on the streets before the castle walls.

Their lanterns lit the street like a golden river. The sky above seemed to be mimicking them by turning a shade of Purple-gold. Children had lined up the streets with flowers in their hands.

The citizens had wishing lanterns and good-will flags hung around every inch of the Kingdom.

The youngest royal child was to be born today.

The last child of the 5th generation of Royals.

The Kings and Princes from all the other kingdoms had arrived on their carriage and had stationed in front of the castle's main entrance.

All eyes were fixed on the balcony of the castle.

"Is it going to be another prince?" A little boy asked his mother.

The mother smiled down at her child and whispered, "We will see."

The crowd was chattering about the prophecy foretold by the "ancient one" many years ago.

" The last Royal to be born

To the fifth-gen that has to come.

Shall bring about a shift

Either a curse or a gift

For the people's heart

Shall forever change

And bear a name

Till they meet their grave."

The prophecy was made to the first King of Maya, Arthur Maya.

The story was kept alive for thousands of years and now, it was time.


"The eclipse will begin any moment now!" A man announced from somewhere in the crowd.

All eyes were now at the sky.

Surely enough, the rare midnight eclipse was about to begin.

There was an eerie silence in the air. No one whispered, no one moved. All ears were keenly waiting for the cry of the baby.

Almost immediately, squeals were heard from the castle.

The Queen was in labour.

The crowd gasped as they folded their hands tightly in prayer.

Being born before or after an eclipse was considered a good omen.

But, being born during an eclipse would be deemed a dreadful sign.

The eclipse was just a minute away and the Queen was struggling on.

The crowd was shunned to silence as the moon turned blood red. Never had anyone witnessed a blood moon in the entire land.

Seconds later, the cry of a newborn was heard.

The crowd kept their fingers crossed and waited for the  "ancient one" to appear on the balcony.

Minutes later, the sky returned to its original hue as the eclipse had ended its course.

A lady in her 20s briskly walked up to the balcony with a baby in her arms.

Wearing a purple silk Scurvet, she was veiled with a lush purple net.

The crowd gasped at her, waiting for her words.

The "ancient one" unveiled herself, and smiled.

"Born on a red moon,

Before the eclipse,

On Midnight,

I present to you

The Princess of Maya,


The crowd burst out in feats of happiness and cheers!

A Princess was born!

Never had the land Cormeum seen a Princess! A Royal Princess!

The Gates sprung open, letting in not just the Kings and Noblemen but the citizens of all the Eight Kingdoms!

The gates were open to all!

The crowd cheered and so did the kings and the noblemen. An angel was born today! The last Royal of this generation.


The crowd had gathered in the courtroom while the Kings and Queens took their seats by the aisle.

The noblemen seated themselves behind the Royalties.

The trumpet blew off, announcing the presence of King Amish Maya and the Ancient one.

The baby girl was wrapped in soft silk clothe and placed carefully in a floral nest, lined with purple flowers.

The King kissed Ananya's forehead and took a seat on his throne.

The Ancient One stood by the baby and patiently waited for the arrival of the Queen.

In the balcony which overlooked the courtroom, hidden behind the veil, the Queen took her seat. She was still in need of medical attention and thus couldn't attend the courtroom.

Given the signal, the Ancient One began to speak.

"Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the birth of the first princess of Cormeum, Ananya Maya.

Everyone present in this courtroom is welcome to bless the baby girl."

The crowd cheered and rejoiced at this decision. It wasn't a regular custom for commoners to bless royal blood.

Men and Women, Fairies and Gypsies, Trolls and Goblins, Witches and Warlocks, Kings and Queens lined up to give their blessing to Princess Ananya.

Some blessed her beauty, while some blessed her with knowledge. A few fairies granted the princess a special charm, while the Trolls and Goblins swore to protect.

When everyone in the room had showered their blessing, the Ancient One spoke again.

"As all have blessed the Princess

I am left with the duty to foresee her future.

But, I have already foretold her future, year's ago.

I shall stick to my words then told and add a little more to the prophecy, to mark the end of today's proceedings."

The crowd was shunned to silence as all ears were on the Ancient One.

" The Princess born

on a blood moon night

Shall bring a shift

Both Curse and Gift

Her Valour shall be marked by

her Sword

Her Purity shall earn her the sky

But be warned, for her love

Shall twitch the world

And bring a blessing and a curse.

For either one

People shall know her name

Till the end of time

Till they meet their grave."



A man hidden in the shadows had his eyes fixed on the Ancient One.

He smiled at her bitterly and let out a nasty smirk as his eyes fell on the child in her arms.

"She will meet her grave."

He smirked,



Author's Note:

Scurvet= A clothe, tight on the waist,elbows and wrists. It us

If you guys have any suggestions

Please do say🥰🥰

I am a new writer and I wanna improve in every way possible.

Thank you guys for supporting me throughout! 💜