Chapter 8

Ami put her bag down hastily and looked around. Many  of students got together and laughed at themselves and it made Ami suddenly realize something, she didn't have anyone other than Haru in the class.

How much information could she have on the case if there was no informant she had other than Akemi-a mind reader-Haruko.

After thinking for a while, Ami put on her innocent face and then stepped out with the most elegant possible step and then stood up with a nervous expression made in front of some of the students who were gathered at the teacher's desk.

Ami scratched the tip of her nose briefly before asking with a sweet smile. "Can I join you guys?"

The attractive student who showed her the chair yesterday smiled politely and spoke up, "Of course, we are not girls who select our prospective friends." Afterward, the beautiful girl extended the palm of her right hand and looked at Ami with a gentle, seemingly sincere smile. "I am Tatzuya Kumiko," said the pretty girl in introduction. Kumiko retreated after her, so that her other friend could get to know Ami.

"I'm Shizuka," said the cute girl with glasses gently shaking Ami's hand.

Ami nodded her head understood and then extended her palm to another longhaired girl who had been looking at her with a probing view.

"I'm Rika. I'm sorry, but I'm kind of weird about you. You don't look like a senior high school girl with your little body," she murmured casually, but when she realized Amii's shocked look, she immediately set herself back up with a regretful look at Ami that could only be silent.

Not only do you think my office colleague doesn't believe me, Ami think all upset and scratch the back of her nose again.

They had a little chat for a while until the lesson bell began and eventually became audible. Shortly thereafter, a large bespectacled old teacher walked into the classroom.

Ami then turned to Miko and asked with her thick wisps of puzzled astonishment, "Is Haru always late every day?"

Shizuka shrugged her shoulders and then answered with her legs that began to walk toward her chair,  "That's what makes him the most mysterious person. Sometimes he would come in late hours and just sit on his chair and just do noting but dozing off, then disappear for several days and even weeks after that and would come back with a tired face as if he had been carrying much troubles for the next few days."

Ami ruffled her hair slowly and walked up to her chair to sit quietly. She fixed her gaze on the teacher in front of the class, even though her mind was thinking about Haru's mysterious nature. Ami looked at her teacher's face carefully and murmured softly. "Why didn't the teacher give Haru a warning if he disappeared so often and came suddenly?"

Ami then snorted bitterly and squeezed her hair slowly and dropped her face in the creases of her arm on her table. Sh3 didn't care what baldy said up front.

The period of study this time was strangely long. Ami has been sleepy throughout her class to this time, opening her locker slowly to observe carefully the lines of today's lesson schedule. She pointed out one subject by name until her index finger stopped suddenly in the name of the subjects she was now learning. Ami leaned against her locker door with a gloomy face and hissed desperately: "Why is it at this hour must be Ryu? Why did Ryu have to be a gym teacher?"

Ami stomped her leg and walked out the steps with her head slumped down toward the toilet with the sports uniform she was limp in. Ami only rolled her eyes when she felt that someone was squeezing her right shoulder firmly, she didn't care and didn't bother, even to look up at her. The soft, green-eyed little girl merely brushed the girl's fingers and went back with the stride.

But when her body had just been pushed so hard that the front of her body hit the bathroom wall in a loud voice, Ami turned with an angry look. She then turned around and stepped forward, while staring intently at the Keinarra and her minions which were all around her everytime.

Keinarra smiled sarcastically while standing opposite her chest and gazing scornfully at Ami. "What, huh? Will you fight me?" Keinarra rebuffed then turned to her friends and laughed derisively at the same time.

Ami wagged her long hair in a haughty fashion and then joined her body against the wall behind her.

"I'm warning you," Ami said," you'll regret it if you dare challenge me."

At that, Keinarra laughed sarcastically and then stepped forward and pushed Ami's body into a corner. "I should be the one to warn little girls like you." Keinarra tried to touch Ami's right cheek but was immediately yanked out by Ami, who was at this moment desperately holding back the devil inside her body, holding back her powerful hand against Keinarra's proud face. "Beware, little girl, i'm not a nice senior," Keinarra then returns a nasty laugh with one another before stepping up confidently leaving the living Ami standing with a flat face.

"What an interesting view!" exclaimed a masculine voice behind her body succeeded in shocking Ami and turning only to find Ryu staring at her bored from the threshold of the newly opened classroom.

Ami rolled her eyes a ball of hate and leaned her back with the back of her right foot to use as a support for her weight on the wall at the back. "What's so interesting?" asked Ami with a stern face.

Ryu yawned only with his surroundings, noticing his surroundings in silence before answering Ami's question with a mocking smile, "The interesting thing to do is to see you sitting there in the corner while someone is steps to hurt your ego." The man then stepped slowly until his body was parallel to Ami. Ryu then hit ami over the head slowly, giving her a staged look of pain.

"Ow! Ryu-sensei, I have a headache, like I can't follow your class," murmured Ami with a small tinkle.

Annoyed Ryu again hit Ami on the top of her head one more time and then said with his rolled eyeball, "Change your uniform! You still have to take this class of your handsome gym teacher!" After utting that full existence sentence, Ryu stepped away with the palms of his hands which he had clenched into the pocket of the training trousers he was wearing. The man strolled slowly as he whistled down the school corridor toward the field out there.

"You ugly, stupid man!" Ami murmured quietly then stepped quickly into the ladies' room and changed her uniforms.

Soon the class had begun, Ryu was now seen staring at some of his keen students, before turning his gaze in the other direction and finding Ami squatting and chinking in the crowd of several male students. Ryu inhaled heavily and then began his speech. "Good morning! Since I am a new teacher, would you like to introduce yourselves one by one?" Seeing most of his students nod excitedly, Ryu continued his words. "Fine. Why don't we start with the short female disciples who are squatting with their chin up."

Who the fuck is "shorty"? Ami's mind was furious.

Ami got up on her feet in a lazy gesture, after which she raised her finger in front of her own face with a face she had made as plain as possible. Ami looked away at her with a wistful sigh of annoyance as she saw Ryu staring at her with a flat face along with one of the corners of the handsome man's lips held up at her. Ami came forward with a pace she accidentally shook and stood by Ryu who didn't turn around to look at him at all, the handsome glasses man just stared straight ahead.

Ami took a deep breath and breathed slowly before starting to introduce herself. "Introduce! I'm Kiyoko Asyami." After saying that, Ami casually walked over to her old place and noticed one by one of her classmates who had also Shared in introducing themselves.

Afterward one by one the students in the class stepped forward to introduce themselves, followed by the lesson materials presentation. At this time the class was over and Ryu was seen waggling the absentee book he had been holding to give fresh air to his wet face. Ryu looked round him and stood in a faint voice at his door. He then zips down the jacket he has been wearing and slays it over his shoulders. The man was completely unaware that the curvature of his upper body was clearly exposed behind a thin white shirt that had been so wet from perspiration that it was clinging tightly to his body.

Ryu breathed out tired once again and began turning the knop of the door and pushing it slowly. Without turning back, Ryu stepped out of the room and closed it shut from the inside. Completely oblivious to the buckling Keinarra with various plates of food and a glass splattered in front of her shoe, several yards from where Ryu had been standing. The girl stood and looked at Ryu's door with a glistening eyes and an open mouth aghast. "Why, Ryu-san, suddenly seems so tempting?" murmured Keinarra at herself.