Chapter 9

Ryu rubbed his face gently and then evaporated, glancing at the time indicated by the clock. The man then put his jacket on slowly still with a characteristic look of waking up. After that Ryu got up and walked toward the door while occasionally banging his cheek to regain his senses after a short nap.

Ryu opened the door with a strong pull. The man's sleepiness suddenly subsided as he found Ami staring at him with a lazy frown. With his grinned lips Ryu pushed Ami's forehead with his index finger. "What are you doing here, hm?" asked Ryu with a flustered eyebrow, the bells have been buzzing for a minutes agi.

Before answering, Ami rolled her eyes puff slightly. She had a terrible look on her face when she said, "I wait for you."

"Huh? Where's Haru? Didn't he drive you home yesterday?" Ryu asked his surroundings with his eyes only to draw the conclusion that there was no one else in the place, except the two of them.

"Haru disappears swiftly let's go home! I was really tired," Ami said and then exhaled through her lips out loud. The girl quickly turned her over and walked quickly toward the school parking lot. She stood beside Ryu's car and leaned over while waiting for the owner of the vehicle to take a leisurely stroll toward her.

Ryu opened the steering door casually and quickly went in and locked the door behind him. The man let Ami stare with startled eyes and violently smashed his windshield.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing? Let's open the door, Ryu-kun!" Ami shouted uneasily. Her white face suddenly turned pale when Ryu threw a mocking smile at her, and without any feeling of immediately stepping on the gas so hard that the four-wheeled vehicle sped away, quickly leaving Ami, who was about to explode in anger.

"You are a jerk!" Said Ami throwing a small gravel and almost hit the back of Ryu's car, which had already started coming out of the school gate.

The school already looks so quiet, only the school security guards can be seen sleeping soundly at the guard post. So Ami could not help but decide to walk.

At first she just took a slow step, but slowly her weight seemed to grow until Ami began to feel very tired. Ami then turned her head back and quietly sighed if she had walked quite far from school. She ruffled her frustrated hair and then ruffled her arse roughly on the pavement for some reason.

I'm going to kill that guy later on, her mind's said.

"Ryu damn it," retorted Ami, straightening her legs and shaking her in anger. She let off with a gasp of indignation and then covered her face with her palms, "House and office are still to far from here." She rubbed into her skirt pocket and took her cell phone. Ami moved down the screen with a quick movement and suddenly lifted it up in high wanted to throw it when the flattened object died suddenly from losing power.

"What are you doing here?" said someone from behind Ami with a tingle of tingling in that person's lips.

 Ami turned slowly and fell silent with an empty look in the man's direction. "Haru-kun... you really are my saviour!" Ami shouted with a suddenly sparkling face looking up at Haru with a silly smile.

Haru shook his lazy hand and then stood up from the previous squatting position. He put the jacket on quickly and went back on his way unconcerned about Ami.

Ami snorted bitterly then rush to her feet and followed Haru's footsteps that walked a few yards in front of her. She tailed the smarty-eyed young man until they arrived in front of a large apartment building. Curious, Ami scurried around and aligned herself with Haru's body and then looked up at Haru who looked down at her with a faint smile. "You live here?" asked Ami then backward her body as Haru opened the door and someone came out from behind the door with a cell phone wedged in the person's shoulder and ears.

Haru only nodded his head casually before removing the jacket. He then tugged at Ami's wrist as some small children ran without looking around, nearly hitting the little girl next to him.

"Must be a high price, right?" She was totally unconscious by her wrist being gently pulled up by Haru toward the elevator that happened to be opening and filling several people.

"Not really," Haru answered as he pushed the button on his floor. The man smiled politely at some who looked at him with a therculled smile. But something seemed wrong at the time, so Haru bowed his head with a strange look and looked at Ami in confusion.

How come? My heart goes out to wonder, as he looks at the people around him and no thought can be heard in his ears.

Did my ability suddenly vanish? Haru thought confused.

"How much?" asked Ami, raising her head and tirelessly staring at Haru with her inquisitive face.

"None of your business!" Haru then gently pulled Ami's wrist out of the elevator, dragging the little girl across to his room. He pressed a few Numbers which were his room's passwords, and pushed the door slowly.

Why would Haru take me to his apartment? Oh no!' thought Ami as she groped up her neck and suddenly got goosebumps.

Haru, who could hear the girl's thoughts, turned his eyes all upset and then encouraged Ami to sit on the sofa. The handsome young man then casually walked toward the room after saying in a irritated tone, "Don't get any ideas, I just want to change my clothes and give you a ride home."

The door then closed loudly and before long exited the room, placing a glass of water on Ami's front table which is staring at him with a tired face.

"Wait here for a moment, okay?" Haru said while aiming at Ami tired face with his index finger. He then casually walked toward the other room, his fingers busily unbuttoned his jacket and his shirt. Haru closed the door of the room back and left Ami staring at tired at the glass in front of her.

"I'm really tired," she says, yawning rapidly and leaning on the couch with her eyelids forced to stay open.

 On the other hand, Haru put a white shirt over his with eyes that looked intently at the mirror in front of him, and wondered why he was doing that. Just a few minutes ago he was about to fall asleep in his cozy room from hunting 'the target,' when suddenly a murmur and an oath popped into his head. Somehow inside him, Haru ran so hard, without changing his clothes. He managed to grab his jacket lying on the sofa sleeve, after which he ran as fast and as best he could to Ami's site and found the little girl alone in the area.

"Ahh, I'm really tired," grumbled Haru while wearing the last button. He then rolled up his sleeve until his shoulder and opened the door and walked toward Ami. Looking at the sight right in front of his eyes today, Haru could only breathe vigorously before dropping his body on a single sofa. He looked at Ami sleeping with her head on the arm of the sofa. Haru then unconsciously smiled several of his shirt buttons and stepped toward Ami and squatted and looking serously at the girl's innocent face.