Chapter 27

The two petals as white as snow appear to furrow several times in unison with the movement of the eyeballs under that thin skin. 

Ami was still very sleepy, but the various sounds that had been entering her ears had inevitably drawn her from the dream world. 

It is said that when a person is very tired, all sense becomes very sensitive. Ami remembered that she was just a girl without special abilities like Haru, but right now she could clearly feel a flicker of light trying to open her eyes by force as well as a wide variety of curiously annoying sounds entering her hearing. Ami remembered that she was not like Haru, but at this point she even felt that she could hear the sound of a vacuum machine and even the sound of a water tap that opened and then followed a movement of washing activities. 

Ami grumbled incoherently and pursed her brow severely because feels bothered.