Chapter 28

Ryu stands with his body leaning against the wall behind him. The soles of his shoes were against the wall with his knees bent, while his hand went into his pants pocket one by one. 

Ryu's dark face, visibly filled with emotion at the moment, was lowered as his eyes fixed on the screen of his mobile phone that he had just played with one hand. 

Two men dressed in full police uniforms stood close to Ryu. 

The two young policemen who might have been raised earlier this year looked at each other and sent their understanding just to keep quiet so that the tall man in glasses could not be disturbed. 

Ryu was initially troubled when Daichi asked two of his subordinates to watch over Ryu so as not to suddenly break down the door and enter the interrogation room without a permit, but now Ryu could just sit back and try hard to calm himself down.