Chapter 523: Heading towards the Temple!

Most of the adventurers who underwent trials in the central area of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains were warriors who exceeded the Middle Stage of Half-Step Divine Pill Realm.

When Lin Bai, bathed in a pillar of bloodlight, entered the central part of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains...

He immediately drew the attention of all the warriors present in the central part of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

"That's a Blood Hunt Order, the one issued by the Yishan Family!"

"What on earth did this man do to infuriate the Yishan Family that they issued the Bloodlight Chase and Kill Order to pursue him!"

"Regardless of the reason, but I know one thing, killing him will net One Million Spirit Stones!"

The Blood Hunt Order represented One Million Spirit Stones.

Anyone who killed the warrior with a Blood Hunt Order above his head was allowed to carry his head to the Yishan Family and exchange it for one million Spirit Stones.