Chapter 524: Forbidden Zone Creatures!

"Intruders must pay with their life!"

Suddenly, from within a forest outside the temple, a robust vine swung abruptly from an ancient tree.

This vine, dense and full of power, thrashed like iron, stirring up the ground, churning the forces around it.


The vine swung towards Lin Bai, landing a heavy blow.

It flung him from the sky and onto the ground, crashing heavily into the heart of the forest.


Lin Bai's body smashed into the ground like a fallen star, forming a massive crater.

As blood gushed from his mouth, he fell unconscious.

His flying sword dropped next to him, losing its spirit as he lost consciousness — reduced to nothing more than an ordinary, discarded sword.

At that moment, a vine slithered from the thick undergrowth, wound around Lin Bai's waist, and dragged him deeper into the forest.

The vine hauled Lin Bai into the Forbidden Zone Forest.

On their journey, they passed a headless knight.