Chapter 556: Two Madmen!

Especially at such a time, Famous Sword Manor gathered the strongest warriors from all 700 states of Lingdong, with nearly fifty million warriors assembled around the Manor.

If word got out that disciples from the Manor were oppressing guests, such disgraceful news would spread throughout the 700 states of Lingdong in an instant.

Such a scandal would severely damage the reputation of Famous Sword Manor.

Thus, in the Welcoming Guests Hall, Jian Ruohan did not hesitate to make Su Xingmang kneel and apologize. Otherwise, if news spread that Famous Sword Manor mistreated its guests, invited warriors would receive such unjust treatment.

If that happened, it was doubtful anyone would want to accept an invitation from the Manor in the future.

Honor, reputation – these were the things that the Manor had always highly valued.

However, the more strict and well-ordered a sect's hierarchy, the more it showcased the demeanor of a great sect.