Chapter 557: She is waiting for someone! A fated enemy!

Yejian Qiu looked at Lin Bai, and Lin Bai looked at Yejian Qiu, both of them tacitly breaking into hearty laughter.

Since Yejian Qiu had come to agree to participate in the Sword Debate and Martial Arts Competition, and he was the champion last year, his goal for this year must still be the first place.

And Lin Bai just bluntly stated that his goal was also the first place.

Then, this competition for the first place between Yejian Qiu and Lin Bai, was certainly going to require a battle!

Yejian Qiu laughed and said, "Good, chatting with Brother Lin is really interesting. Come on, Brother Lin, let's have another drink. I hope that three days later in Sword Discussion City, no matter how we may fight against each other, we will not harm our good relationship. After leaving Sword Discussion City, we can still enjoy wine together."

"Absolutely!" Lin Bai clinked his glass with Yejian Qiu's and drank the wine.