Chapter 4 Acupuncture

After inserting over a hundred needles into Li Shiyun's body, Ling Feng's forehead was beaded with layers of fine sweat, and his True Qi was nearly expended. Ling Feng wiped the sweat off his forehead, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and sighed with relief,

"It's done. I'll remove the needles for you in half an hour."

At the moment, Li Shiyun looked like a hedgehog.

Having said that, Ling Feng wiped off his sweat and headed to the back room. The high-intensity treatment made him sweat all over, and he felt sticky, so he went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Ling Feng came back. Seeing that almost half an hour had passed, he slowly began to remove the silver needles from her body. At that time, cold air was visibly emanating from the needles, and Ling Feng could feel the bone-chilling cold as he touched them.

"If nothing unexpected happens, you should be able to sleep well tonight. However, you've had this cold condition for too long. For now, I can only disperse some of the coldness in your body. To completely cure it, it will still take some time,"

Ling Feng continued, while removing the needles.

"Come back tomorrow or the day after, and I'll administer some medicinal herbs to aid in your treatment."

Li Shiyun dressed herself, still feeling weak and limp without strength, but she definitely felt lighter, and the coldness within her seemed to have reduced a bit. The white lines on her body also seemed somewhat faded.

Feeling hopeful that her illness might indeed be curable, Li Shiyun tightened her clothes and looked at Ling Feng with a hint of excitement,

"Thank you. I didn't expect you to be quite skilled."

"No need to thank me. Just remember the promise you made yourself," Ling Feng chuckled, eyeing her figure up and down.

Biting her sensually red lips, Li Shiyun said, "As long as you can cure my illness, I will keep the promise I made!"

"Don't worry, I'm certain I can cure your illness,"

Ling Feng was very confident. With the Classic of the Divine Farmer in hand, such a condition was naturally not an issue.

After seeing Li Shiyun off, Ling Feng went back inside the house to get his carrying basket off the wall, preparing to go up the mountain to gather some medicinal herbs. One reason was that treating the cold condition still required some herb assistance, and the other was to collect some medicinal herbs for Li Yumei to facilitate the flow of her breast milk.

Behind Shiliu Village lay a vast dense forest where villagers often went hunting and gathering wild goods.

Upon reaching the mountain, Ling Feng discovered a treasure trove of herbs. Previously without knowledge of the Classic of the Divine Farmer, he had not paid attention to the wild herbs and tree roots that were actually excellent medicinal herbs. Ling Feng collected them with great delight, and before long, the carrying basket was filled with most of the needed materials.

Just as Ling Feng was about to head deeper into the mountain to gather more before returning, he faintly heard a cry for help carried by the mountain wind.

"Is anyone there? Help!"

The voice was crisp, a woman's cry for help. Ling Feng looked in the direction it came from and saw a figure sitting on a distant slope. He grabbed his carrying basket and hurried over.

As he got closer, Ling Feng recognized Wang Yan from the village, who was now sitting on a slope, clutching her thigh with a look of nervousness and fear.

Seeing someone approach, Wang Yan looked up, and upon recognizing Ling Feng, her expression instantly brightened with a mix of anxiety and excitement,

"Ah, it's Ling Feng! Hurry, save your Aunt Wang. I just got bitten by a snake."

"Wuu, I don't even know if the snake was poisonous or not, but why do I feel my leg going numb?"

Wang Yan was so desperate that her speech carried the tone of someone on the verge of tears.

"Where did it bite? Let me see quickly," Ling Feng said, also a bit anxious. Although Wang Yan was usually indifferent towards him, he couldn't bear to see such a beautiful woman in distress right before his eyes.

Hearing Ling Feng speak, Wang Yan blushed slightly.

Ling Feng saw the wound was under her clothing and frowned,

"Aunt Wang, let me have a look at the wound inside."

Though somewhat embarrassed, Wang Yan knew her life was at stake and nodded in agreement, her face flushed red.

Wang Yan was quite embarrassed but still worried about her wound. She quickly asked with a flushed face,

"Quick, how does the wound look? Is it serious?"

Ling Feng was captivated by the sight before him, and only when Wang Yan spoke did he snap back to attention and quickly checked.

Seeing the two fresh puncture wounds and the snowy white skin beside them, Ling Feng quietly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed the snake that bit her wasn't venomous, and Wang Yan's feeling of numbness was purely out of her own scare; her leg was just a bit numb from sitting for too long.

Wang Yan had no idea what was going on and noticed Ling Feng looking at her wound silently. Worried there might be difficulty in treating it, she quickly asked,

"Ling Feng, how is it? Aunt Wang's...there's no problem, right?"

Ling Feng raised his head, about to say it was nothing serious, but on seeing Wang Yan's beautiful face and the tempting red lips so close to him, and remembering how she had often acted haughtily towards him in the village due to her beauty, he changed his mind, deciding to tease Wang Yan a bit.

Thinking this, Ling Feng frowned and pretended to be serious,

"Aunt Wang, the poison you've encountered is not light. We need to treat it quickly. If we don't attend to it in time, at best, this leg will be rendered useless; at worst, it could cost you your life."

Wang Yan became terrified and started to cry immediately,

"Ah... Ah... It's that serious? Ling... Ling Feng, aren't you a doctor? Then please treat Aunt Wang quickly."

Ling Feng, secretly amused by Wang Yan's panic, managed to keep a straight face and said,

"I didn't bring any other tools with me now. I can only try to suck the poison out with my mouth, but the location is a bit awkward. You won't mind, will you?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind at all. Ling Feng... just do it quickly."

Treatment in progress…

"All right, the poison has largely subsided now, but the blood flow in your leg is still not smooth. You shouldn't walk much. Let me help you back to the village,"

said Ling Feng, who didn't wait for Wang Yan to respond and helped her up.

Wang Yan also felt Ling Feng's bare gaze, said nothing, and half-heartedly leaned on him.

Ling Feng clung to Wang Yan, inhaling the pleasant scent of a young wife and feeling the smooth, soft skin beside him.

Wang Yan initially resisted a little, but she didn't put much effort into it, and soon she let him have his way.