Chapter 5: Magical Medicinal Pills

On the way down the mountain, Ling Feng had his arm halfway around Wang Yan, one hand supporting hers. When they reached the foot of the mountain and more villagers began to appear, Ling Feng reluctantly let go of her hand and coughed before saying,

"Alright, Auntie Wang, we've made it down the mountain. The blood circulation in your leg should be nearly back to normal by now. Give it a try and see if you can walk."

"Ah, I really can walk now, thank you, Ling Feng." Wang Yan took a few steps and pretended to be surprised.

In fact, Wang Yan had realized on the way that her leg was already fine, but she didn't say anything, allowing Ling Feng to keep his arm around her as they descended.

She said this while also casting a shy glance at Ling Feng.

"However, your wound might relapse. Come to the clinic later tonight and I'll prescribe some more medicine for you."

Wang Yan gave Ling Feng a seductive look and said in a voice that even ghosts would know what Ling Feng was thinking. Prescribing medicine was just an excuse, but Wang Yan did not call him out. She gave Ling Feng a captivating look with her charming eyes and whispered, "Okay."

Ling Feng was excited to hear Wang Yan agree.

"Good, then I'll wait for you to come."

He said this and took advantage of the moment when no one around was watching.

Wang Yan was startled by Ling Feng's sudden move and, seeing that no one around had noticed, she blushed and scolded, "What are you doing? There are still people around here."

But Ling Feng simply smiled, not the least bit concerned.

Back at the clinic, Ling Feng spread out the herbs he had gathered on the ground in the backyard, pulled over a small stool to sit on, and prepared to refine the medicinal herbs.

From the low-level elixirs in the Classic of the Divine Farmer, Ling Feng chose an Energy Accumulation Pill that could enhance some strength and began the preparation, selecting the required herbs to start the refinement process.

Extending both hands, Ling Feng controlled the energy within his body to emerge from his palms and wrap around the herbs in front. The herbs wilted at a speed visible to the naked eye as their essence was extracted and wildly converged and fused. In a moment, a dark medicinal pill was formed.

After retrieving the pill that floated in the energy, Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and inspected the pill in his palm.

The pill was dark and slightly warm, emitting a strange fragrance. Ling Feng hesitated for a moment before swallowing the pill with water,

It tasted somewhat bitter. After swallowing the pill, the power began to disperse within him. Then Ling Feng felt a warm flow spread throughout his body, and soon noticed that his somewhat slender figure began to develop robust and well-defined muscles. The overall change in his physique was not dramatic, but Ling Feng could feel that his strength had significantly increased, exactly as described in the elixir's instructions!

As he caressed his now fit and toned muscles, Ling Feng felt a surge of excitement. He hadn't expected the elixirs from the Shennong classic to be so effective.

Next, Ling Feng refined all the herbs into elixirs and carefully stored them in porcelain bottles. He took out a pale yellow medicinal pill to give to Li Yumei after her arrival.