The Bride

- Yes...

They embraced again.

Then arm in arm as a driver directed the cart to a large limousine, the two continued their discussion.

- So I hear I won't be the only one taking the plunge this year!

- Yes, well, I hope so. That's what Amy hopes with all her heart to say. And there is good hope. Because Euho, her boyfriend or man, or I don't know what to call these people after a passed age.

- Boyfriend is fine!

- Well her boyfriend then had decided to introduce Amy to his family who currently reside in Australia.

- Amy works for her fiancé's company from what I hear!

- Yes! Or more exactly the heir. To say that this is very important. We both know the difficulties with this kind of rich family. And we Lanes don't have any material assets, or a family of any great magnitude like Euho's or your fiancée's uncle. So it would probably be a little hard to get accepted.

- So if there really is a problem, they just run away together.