Only so

- Oh Azhewo. So it is better that they are both gone. And now you are their legacy.

- Yes. But an impossible legacy that ignores mercy. I sometimes doubt I even have a heart.

- And I'm sure you were never afraid to ask. As far as I can see, all your relatives follow you by loyalty and devotion. Never since I have known you have I seen the light of day again.

- Night is my kingdom. And I am afraid that nothing can change that.

She looked at him and wanted to unbutton her dress, but he stopped.

- No my love, not now. We will land soon.

She smiled at him.

- I never noticed that time could have any influence on you.

- Time doesn't, but you do.

- I will never believe you.

  She sighed as she closed her eyes and offered him her lips.

  When they got off the plane, a slew of late-model black cars were waiting for them.

Seurus opened the door for them before sliding into the front seat.