
  - You always eat so much Miss Venezia? 

  He pressed the tone on the Miss, superbly ignoring the prayer of Ariadne to call her more familiarly.

  - Yes, I love to eat, fortunately I have a physiognomy impossible to put on weight, otherwise, we would not see anything of my curves.

  - I think that you are one of those who could not live without, because curves are essential for some women in the conquest of fortune.

  His poison found her heart.

  - I see, she said angrily.

  - Azhewo what happens? You don't usually behave this way with my guests, Astieme Ardo remarked. 

- Maybe because your female guests don't behave like her either, he replied casually.

  - And how do I behave, Señor? When was I ever rude or unbecoming to you or your relations? You could not name any.

  - I don't think those words of propriety were ever understood by you," he retorted shamelessly.